Samsung LTE 2 extender power setting

I've had my extender for a few years and despite the terrible issues around the lack of whitelisting capability, I kept it because there was no other choice.

I found something along the way though...users can set the power manually without having to be too tech savvy at all....but you can't lock it to that setting. SOMEONE has access to the extender from Verizon's side and has changed the power on my extender every single time I set it to my needs. I don't blast 100% power, but it is cranked up to cover my property effectively. I live out in the cut, the closest neighbor is 100 yards away or more.

I am looking into EULA bologna for some network maintenance acceptance lawyer voodoo but I am greatly offended that anyone believes it's ok to change this without my express permission or notification.


Am I the only person who sees this happening?

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4 Replies
Champion - Level 3

@jaysson2 wrote:

I've had my extender for a few years and despite the terrible issues around the lack of whitelisting capability, I kept it because there was no other choice.

I found something along the way though...users can set the power manually without having to be too tech savvy at all....but you can't lock it to that setting. SOMEONE has access to the extender from Verizon's side and has changed the power on my extender every single time I set it to my needs.


Am I the only person who sees this happening?

I doubt there is someone surreptitiously accessing your extender to change your power setting.  It is probably a software/network periodic refresh that is doing it.  Have you tested to see if a power cycle does the same thing?  After a power cycle it probably gets a download of default settings from a server causing the reset.  Feedback to the software developers is needed to maintain user settings after such a download.

...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...

Nice adverb! I check it regularly...and perhaps am more cynical than I should be, but best I can tell it takes a few weeks - each time, a neighbor complaining to me about the intermittent extender connection they get when I crank it up. They have one too apparently...competing signals I imagine. Enough whining at a phone rep...couple pings from each side and wah-lah - a solution presents itself. Until I crank it up again.

Enthusiast - Level 1

LLESUEUR LIVING IN ZIP 35960 (LOW SIGNAL AREA) FOR 20 YEARS. Just be glad yours is stilL working. They provided me AN EXTENDER when on 3G but it stopped working when I upgraded to a new phone operating on the newer 4G. They refused to provide me with a new extender and said I would have to purchase another one to operate on 4G. That would be short lived because now they are going to 5G. I am changing carriers.

Customer Service Rep

jaysson2 I'm not sure from your post if you are looking for assistance with your network extender. If you are, let us know.
