Stolen vehicle has my Jetpack in it

Generally speaking, if someone tries to power on my Jetpack, would it then be possible to locate where it is and possibly my vehicle?

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1 Reply
Champion - Level 1

Users do not have access to GPS coordinates of VZW devices like Jetpacks.  That requires a 3rd party GPS application like a family member tracker.

However, you could contact VZW and report the device as stolen.  This will put it on a list and may trigger a notification to VZW if it is powered on.  VZW would have to comment on what they can or cannot do to report the GPS coordinates of the device from there.

The problem with waiting for someone to activate your Jetpack is that you are still paying for the account.  Any data usage that is absorbed will be sent to your account.  It is in your best interest to deactivate the Jetpack as soon as you report it stolen to minimize any abuse.

I suggest calling Verizon support directly and working with a rep on this one.
