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Awful. Hard to read. Takes up half the screen.
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The new guide is horrible, both in functionality and appearance. The “Cursor Left” quick menu is gone, the foggy baby blue with white lettering is hard to see, the additional graphics cause the system to lag and be slow. In short you took a guide that finally started to work and have good functionality and turned it into some preschool, ill designed, buggy mess… And yes like most everyone else here I want the old one back…
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I agree with all of this and I want the old one back or change this one so it's more user friendly and readable. I hate to think what people with a seeing disability have to do to read this guide.
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As posted in 1.9 Board
-New HD look is very nice (will be some shell shock but you will get over it)
-Ability to add eSATA on 7 series DVR boxes
-More Guide choices, better graphics, and more information presented in the Guide and Scheduling and Recording screens
-Add time to a recording in progress
-Share Recordings across multiple DVR's to DVR's and non DVR's
-Set Recordings on the DVR of your choice from a non DVR
-View the Scheduled Recordings from any other STB/DVR
-Delete Recordings via a non DVR
-Reminders in the DVR
-Saved Searches
-Search from anywhere, hit the "B" button
-Air Date and or Movie Year
-Ability to recover 30 deleted recordings
-Ability to Delete or Play the entire contents of a folder
-Simple button press "C" to go to the HD equivalent (if it exists)
-4 Guide choices with one being a new vertical Channel Guide.
-7 series STB's are very responsive
1.9 with two 7232 DVR's and 7x STB's as I have is killer. There are so many additional features, many we all asked for. For me, the additional hard drive space (internal and eSATA) and sharing content from DVR to DVR to STB's that make it killer!
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Good find, Charlie.
The new guide and its accompanying features are excellent.
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The new guide sucks. The layout makes reading anything other than the focused item hard to see. The color scheme is painful to the eyes and the info pane is {word filter avoidance} stupid. You have to go to full screen if the show's title is longer than two monosyllabic words.
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@Bendu wrote:The new guide sucks. The layout makes reading anything other than the focused item hard to see. The color scheme is painful to the eyes and the info pane is fuqing stupid. You have to go to full screen if the show's title is longer than two monosyllabic words.
The new layout is just great. Maybe you should go find a service that will satisfy you? Thankfully Verizon is not going to give you the old interface back.
FiOS TV, Internet, and phone user
QIP7232, QIP7100-P2, IMG 1.9A
Keller, TX 76248
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(No. It's an awful change.)
Dear President Dennis Bone:
I have been a FIOS customer for almost two years now and a Verizon customer (and all the iterations before it became Verizon) for over 3 decades, but not for much longer.
I simply cannot stand the new Channel Guide (guide). I can't read the new guide. It's awful. No contrast and I've got tons of black horizontal lines across the entire screen if any text lives there, even outside the guide. Inside the guide, I'm either reading blurry white on gray or light black on light gray! All that gray and light bluish gray...did someone just get hired away from Microsoft (er...MS from the 90s)?
Descriptions, aka the smaller type, are very blurry. Even my TV picture has been affected!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure it's due to even more changes made in order to accommodate 3D.
I've tried a bunch of settings to get my sharper picture back but since I have another TV that I can use, annnnd since I may just cancel the TV service if something isn't done, well, I figure I can address that later, if at all.
The guide is also stupid now. It used to be smart. Why when I use the BACK to PREVIOUS channel, I have to suffer with the guide coming up telling me what's there? I know what's there...that's why I'm returning to that channel. ##@!$##@ And in SD, that description not only takes up half the screen, but it sits there for way too long, especially since I ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S THERE.
Why did you change how reminders are set? If I find a program in the FUTURE and click on it, I move to that channel. Why? If I clicked on the current program, that would make sense. NOT A FUTURE PROGRAM. I'm not stupid...I would not click on a program in the future to watch it now. Clearly I'm clicking on it to set as a reminder or to get info. Long story short, I can't simply set a REMINDER like before. You've added clicks to the process of setting reminders (which used to be flawless and fast).
Oh, and the reminder indicators....Hmmmm, could you make them blend into the program name any more? Let's see, maybe make them even grayer?!!
Also, what happened to the program-in-session indicator? Now it appears that EVERY PROGRAM is beginning anew. Before this ridiculous revision, if a program had begun in a previous timeframe, the title would reflect that.
And why do I need to see the description of shows that I don't care about while viewing the full screen guide? That's a terrible waste of real estate. Browsing the guide now takes TWICE the TIME as I wade through each of the descriptions (partial descriptions, no less, which are useless). Give me SINGLE lines in the Guide...if I'm interested I'll open for more info.
Speaking of info, where are all the actor names under Full Info? Now I just see a few of them and then I see dots indicating there are more. I know you are provided this information. WHY DON'T YOU GIVE IT TO YOUR VIEWERS?!???!!!
The logos also waste space. Almost 25% of the horizontal space is used for the channel logo column. That's just silly and unnecessary.
Lastly, what is the Classic View? It's just more salt in the wound, yes? It's a tease, isn't it? Why can't the Classic View be used to return me to the previous, nothing-is-wrong-with-it-or-at-least-nothing-warranting-these-huge-stupid-changes version of the guide. Please let us go back to the previous version...You can monitor everything we do in FiOS, so just let customers return to the old guide and you'll see how many folks decide to stay there.
Worst of all...Where was the warning?
You have that capability as well! Stop sending me messages about your overpriced movies. Instead, solicit my feedback about stupid changes that someone who apparently doesn't use the guide has decided to make. That way I might have an opportunity to provide feedback...or at least time to find a new provider.
I guess you ignored the sage advice...If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Bottom line, if you don't let me return to a better or the previous Channel Guide, which I rely on heavily, then I'm going to return to cable TV or maybe even try Dish Network. I hear they offer customers the option to customize their channel guide skins or at least the color schemes. And that makes sense since (A) there are vision-impaired, color-blind, elderly, and other diverse customer sets in your community and (B) it is the TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY!!!!!!
If this action is any reflection as to how you view your customers, especially considering all that is going on with the US economy, then Verizon's disregard for its customers appears epic.
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Roze318 -
You stated so very eloquently what many others have touched on but with varying degrees of clarity.
Hopefully the monitors at VZ will realize after reading posts like yours, that they made a mistake in the way this
new version of the program guide functions in real life and either correct it or as so many have asked for - a return of the
guide that preceded it . It has always been my experience however that more often than not they (any provider of digital content) will not admit ANY mistakes and just let the folks like us, who take the time to express ourselves on the forums that they provide us with - just let us rant to each other. They figure in a week this topic will be on page 2 and we will go through it all again
when IMG version 1.10 comes out - or worse yet, when all sorts of other bugs start popping up in 1.9 !
One thing I did pick up from another thread, is that you can avoid having to look at the pop-up
box that for whatever reason takes up the bottom 1/3 of the screen and stays up for probably
10 seconds - 9 seconds too long -
You can eliminate it by immediately hitting the EXIT button.
Hope springs Eternal.
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It has always been my experience however that more often than not they (any provider of digital content) will not admit ANY mistakes and just let the folks like us, who take the time to express ourselves on the forums that they provide us with - just let us rant to each other.
Actually the product and technical teams read these forums a lot and discuss the feedback provided by customers regularly. So posting here is not a waste of time at all, its actually a great way to provide us direct feedback on how you think we did.
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New guide is awful. Takes up too much space, stays on to long when channel is changed, etc. Please at least allow an option to disply using previous guide, channel displays, etc.
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Please, I am dying to see, this evidence of people enjoying the new guide.
All I see is a broken link.
If you want real reviews, put a review system in the program guide itself. Very unprofessional if you honestly believe someone who likes this huge bubbly interface a representative of the whole community.
Send me an email next time we get to opt in for this. As far as I'm concerned someone with horrible taste was at the right place at the wrong time, since I was never informed of a discussion about a new layout.
Try putting a poll in the actual channel guide and I will send you an e-check for $100 if you get over 25% of voters who like the new guide.
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What's up with this new guide and why didn't anyone tell me that it was changing? Thanks for the warning, Ive been trying to change it for the past hour thinking my boyfriend hit a wrong button somewhere. I hate it and I want the old one back please! I pay enough every month to you that you should give us options to choose from, not decide for us. Pleeeeaaassseee give me my guide back!!!
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Using the new channel guide is like retuning to the days of dial-up internet. Press the buttons on the remote to check for future programs - and wait. And wait. And wait. Then it will start to scroll - where it stops, nobody knows. In time, I will probably come to appreciate the slow operation of this new system - because the poorly contrasting colors make it so hard to read.
One of the best features of Fios TV was the channel guide. Now it is an eyesore. Someone must have had a baby, and decided to impose pastel colors on everybody. Did anyone test this system before implementing it?
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@Customer456 wrote:The new guide is horrible, both in functionality and appearance. The “Cursor Left” quick menu is gone, the foggy baby blue with white lettering is hard to see, the additional graphics cause the system to lag and be slow. In short you took a guide that finally started to work and have good functionality and turned it into some preschool, ill designed, buggy mess… And yes like most everyone else here I want the old one back…
The Quick Menu has been moved to the right arrow button.
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While this won't help the color issue, if you go into Menu, Settings, Television, Guide View, you can select Classic View (if you have IMG 1.9). This gives you the Guide as it was in 1.8, so there is not as much clutter on the screen as with the new view. There won't be as many channels to view on one screen.
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The new channel guide is absolutely awful. Channel surfing is now painful because it is slower to switch between channels and the info takes up half of the screen. Leave it to Verizon to take an activity like sitting down to relax with some mindless channel surfing and make it aggravating.
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I have to agree the new guide is far worse than the old one. Even using "modes" to see what movies are currently playing doesn't work like it used to. It's way bad. And scanning through the channels is way to slow. And the PIP is way too small now. I only hope someone in charge reads these posts and will take some action.
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So, the new guide is a loser. I can't read anything on it. That bold font makes every word run together! I could go on, but many (if not most) of you have said it better. Does this make any difference to Verizon? Or are they just allowing us to use the space to make us feel like we are being heard?
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I agree that hte new channel guide is terrible! Hard to read, Slow scrolling. I have worked with this for several days (because I didn't want my initial bad opinion to blind me to positive improvements), and have not discovered any advantages of gee-whiz new features. FIX THIS MESS, VERIZON!