The new guide: change just because, STILL CAN'T SEE CURRENT TV REMINDERS!!
Enthusiast - Level 1

WHoever designed the NEW guide SHOULD BE FIRED IMMEDIATELY. WHY DOES IT STILL TAKE a dozen clciks to see a list of reminders OF CURRENT TV STATIONS THAT I HAVE SET A REMINDER FOR, but it's only a REMINDER LIST FOR FUTURE SHOWS?? DO you people actually think that someone watches a TV Commercial?? Only a **bleep** would watch a geico or progressive car insurance commercial a hundred times a day, day in, day out, on almost every channel. I SWITCH CHANNELS WHEN ANY TV COMMERCIAL COMES ON, and for some reason Verizon refuses to adopt the best thing about Comcast which is: YOU CAN PRESS THE REMINDER BUTTON, SEE A LIST OF ALL THE CURRENT REMINDERS YOU HAVE SELECTED, and simply arrow down to watch another channel until the commercial is done.

  It took me 2 1/2 months to familiarize myself with your idiotic, moronic TV Guide, which uses batteries at an outstanding rate, and now everything is changed, why is that? WHoever made that decision should be fired.

  The half channel guide now makes it impossible to read whats on the screen EVEN WITH A BIG SCREEN TV. And who cares about hi-def, why in the heck do I want to see the pores on someone's face?

  16 clicks to bring up a reminder list, COMCAST DOES IT WITH A SINGLE BUTTON, why is that? Because Verizon doesn't want to be like COmcast?? Everything about Fios and Verizon is just a jumbled mess, too much stuff jammed onto one page, and everything has a similar name, why is that? I have over 6 lbs of Fios junk mail and still get flyers in the mail, most weeks it's multiple flyers of the SAME THING, so don't tell us about saving trees, because first of all there are 400% more trees today than in 1900, and secondly just like COmcast, SAVING A TREE DOESN'T INVOLVE JUNK MAIL.

   The new guide is change just for the h*ll of it, and it's just as crappy and hard to use. AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE REMINDER LIST< IT SHOULD BE ACCESSIBLE WITH ONE CLICK< AND SHOULD SHOW THE CURRENT, repeat, THE CURRENT LIST OF SHOWS, because we don't watch no stinking commercials.

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2 Replies
Master - Level 1

Not sure if you mean reminders or favorites.

Anyway... Put your ideas here...

They certainly listen. 

timbo441 wrote:

WHoever designed the NEW guide SHOULD BE FIRED IMMEDIATELY. WHY DOES IT STILL TAKE a dozen clciks to see a list of reminders OF CURRENT TV STATIONS THAT I HAVE SET A REMINDER FOR, but it's only a REMINDER LIST FOR FUTURE SHOWS?? DO you people actually think that someone watches a TV Commercial?? Only a **bleep** would watch a geico or progressive car insurance commercial a hundred times a day, day in, day out, on almost every channel. I SWITCH CHANNELS WHEN ANY TV COMMERCIAL COMES ON, and for some reason Verizon refuses to adopt the best thing about Comcast which is: YOU CAN PRESS THE REMINDER BUTTON, SEE A LIST OF ALL THE CURRENT REMINDERS YOU HAVE SELECTED, and simply arrow down to watch another channel until the commercial is done.

  It took me 2 1/2 months to familiarize myself with your idiotic, moronic TV Guide, which uses batteries at an outstanding rate, and now everything is changed, why is that? WHoever made that decision should be fired.

  The half channel guide now makes it impossible to read whats on the screen EVEN WITH A BIG SCREEN TV. And who cares about hi-def, why in the heck do I want to see the pores on someone's face?

  16 clicks to bring up a reminder list, COMCAST DOES IT WITH A SINGLE BUTTON, why is that? Because Verizon doesn't want to be like COmcast?? Everything about Fios and Verizon is just a jumbled mess, too much stuff jammed onto one page, and everything has a similar name, why is that? I have over 6 lbs of Fios junk mail and still get flyers in the mail, most weeks it's multiple flyers of the SAME THING, so don't tell us about saving trees, because first of all there are 400% more trees today than in 1900, and secondly just like COmcast, SAVING A TREE DOESN'T INVOLVE JUNK MAIL.

   The new guide is change just for the h*ll of it, and it's just as crappy and hard to use. AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE REMINDER LIST< IT SHOULD BE ACCESSIBLE WITH ONE CLICK< AND SHOULD SHOW THE CURRENT, repeat, THE CURRENT LIST OF SHOWS, because we don't watch no stinking commercials.

Master - Level 2


You have been complaining about reminders for quite awhile.  I have never had Comcast, and don't understand what it is that you mean by reminders.  Since fast access to reminders apparently isn't a feature in any FIOS IMG it is a suggestion for improvement and belongs in ,

Are you viewing a HDTV?  Most people see a reason for viewing in HD.  I particularly see that as being so for many if not most FIOS TV users.

I haven't seen the IMG 1.9 on SD TV's.  People may see the new color scheme or exact font as poor and others may see it as an improvement.  When I see it at a friend who had the Sneak Preview, the fonts size seemed about the same size to me.  And in one of the threads someone posted all the guide screens, and again they do not appear to be any screens where the font is so small it can't be read even in the SD versions.

The new guide was meant to fix a lot of complaints that people had as well as to add features.   Among the problems addressed

  • Old screen guide had the last channel cut off by TV's as it was outside the so called Safe margins.
  • Top line of guide (perhaps on purpose) was completed obscured by info on what channels were being displayed (favorites etc)
  • Next 3 lines of guide were partially obscured by the small image of the current program
  • only 1 1/2 hours were displayed
  • guide didn't fill whole screen on 16x9 TV's
  • Guide is too dark.  Yes, many complained about that and that led to the new lighter scheme that people now complain about.
  • Search to limited

Did they get things wrong.  Almost certainly.  

The IMG is also not just about the guide.  Other features added

  • Native pass-thru.  I.e.. Pass 720p channels as 720, and 1080i as 1080i.  Your already could, if desired pass 480i as 480i/p.
  • Support eSata external hard drives on newer DVR's.
  • Support more than one multi-room DVR
  • Allow more control of multi-room DVR from other STB (and DVR).  Includes starting and deleting recordings
  • Allow recovery of accidentally deleted recordings
  • So called program chaptering on DVR recordings
  • Parental control improvements