American Samoa - International Travel Pass?
Enthusiast - Level 1

I am traveling to American Samoa this summer. The tour guide I spoke with mentioned that cell reception is poor. I am trying to figure out whether I can get a travel pass and if the travel pass would even work. There is a travel pass for Samoa. But Samoa and American Samoa are different territories. Samoa is a country and American Samoa is a US territory. So if I get the Samoa travel pass would it work in American Samoa even if its a US Territory and not international?

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  • Apple

1 Reply

Hi - did you get to go to American Samoa and did you get your Verizon phone to work?  Thanks!  I am planning travel to American Samoa and it seems that there is limited 2G service and Travel Pass is not available.  The Verizon site shows a per minute fee ($2.99) for voice and txt.