Data plan
Enthusiast - Level 3

What data plan will these require? I imagine it will be the $30/unlimited plan especially if you want to use zune.  What we have here is a smart dumbphone. I can see teens wanting this and parents not wanting to spend $200 on a smart phone except the real cost is in the data. $30/month * 24months = $720. Is there an alternative to the $30 plan for this phone?

7 Replies
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Gunslngr21 wrote:

What data plan will these require? I imagine it will be the $30/unlimited plan.....

Since the phone (can you really call this device a "phone"?  That part of it seems to be an afterthought, IMHO)  is constantly updating, and you  are always connected, it has to require an unlimited plan, otherwise the whole focus of KIN makes no sense.  The target market is those who need to be in constant touch via Twitter, FB, IM, etc.....I don't see how it can be marketed with anything BUT the unlimited data plan.


Enthusiast - Level 3

I agree SuzyQ,


This thing is going to have zune syncing OTA... that is going to be A TON of data. I just don't like the idea that I have heard bounced around on cnet and engadget that this is budget conscious.. Sure you might save $100 on this vs a windows phone 7 but you are still spending a lot on data over two years. Might as well have a fully featured phone. Unless you really really wanted a zune phone or just can't wait for windows phone 7 there is no reason to get this device.


Large updates will be done off the Zune desktop software at sync while small updates will be done OTA. I'd imagine data related settings should be configurable to suit the lower tier data plan. With auto updates only coming locked in at every 15 mins, large updates done at sync, and sync'ing music off the desktop (not using the zune pass off 3G) I don't see why one couldn't use the 25MB base data plan.


I've already got a ZuneHD so I wouldn't be sync'ing anything to this phone I didn't already have unless over wifi or docked. then all the social media stuff would barely be breaking the data plan.

Enthusiast - Level 3


MrLiKWiDzZ wrote:

Large updates will be done off the Zune desktop software at sync while small updates will be done OTA. I'd imagine data related settings should be configurable to suit the lower tier data plan. With auto updates only coming locked in at every 15 mins, large updates done at sync, and sync'ing music off the desktop (not using the zune pass off 3G) I don't see why one couldn't use the 25MB base data plan.


I've already got a ZuneHD so I wouldn't be sync'ing anything to this phone I didn't already have unless over wifi or docked. then all the social media stuff would barely be breaking the data plan.

The photo's that this thing takes are going to be 1mb. That is going to tear through 25mb real quick uploading those to the Face.




Yeah, I've been read about the auto-upload. w/ 8GB of internal storage, I'm hoping for a local storage option 1st w/ upload at sync option. Like everyone is saying, they gotta keep this cheap. At 1MB a pic, it couldn't hurt to have a local storage option.

Gunslngr21 wrote:


The photo's that this thing takes are going to be 1mb. That is going to tear through 25mb real quick uploading those to the Face.




This is what is stopping me from getting a kin...

I would really love a Kin because I don't want a smart phone, but I really like the fact that it has threaded texting, a good camera with flash, QWERTY keyboard , and I can still check my facebook and email on the go...  I don't even care about the zune part of the phone...  I understand why they want you to use the unlimited data plan, but I just don't get why it is so expensive...  It is marketed for 15-30 year olds and despite the fact that not every teen who owns a cell phone isn't paying the bill, the data plan is not economical for this economy... 

So here I sit with my LG Voyager that works like a charm on the phone aspect of it...  but has none of the other features that I love about Kin


These phones do require a $29.99 data plan. the phones constantly update with socila networks and also keeps your contacts, call logs, and text messages synced up and so much more. I think that average users with these phones will end up using more data than a blackberry.  Believe me, if you get one of these phones you will be glad it requires unlimited data

