Downloading your mobile text and data usage FAQs



Learn how to get current and past call history, text and mobile data usage details and spreadsheets for the lines on your Verizon mobile account.

To find your mobile billing and payment history, visit View and download your Verizon mobile bill.


View and download Verizon mobile usage activity


How far back can I get my Verizon usage activity details?


You can sign in to My Verizon through your desktop computer to get:

  • Talk, text and messaging activity details and spreadsheets for the last 90 days.
  • 18 months of past bill statements, which include billed usage summaries.

You can use the My Verizon app to get:

  • Data use for the current bill period.
  • A data use summary for all mobile lines for the past 90 days.


How do I view or download my mobile usage from the My Verizon website?


Here's how to find your talk, text and data usage:

  1. Sign in to the My Verizon website (not app).
  2. Visit the My Usage page.
  3. Scroll to View previous usage.
  4. From the previous usage page you can choose View or Save printable bill (PDF).

Note: You can also call #DATA from your wireless phone to get a text message with current data usage details for that line.



How do I get a record of my talk, text and data usage older than 18 months?


Contact us if you need mobile usage and billing history that's 18 months to 7 years old. Charges may apply.

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