My Verizon landline often experiences static & noise


 My Verizon landline often experiences static & noise. It happens on both incoming and outgoing calls, local & long distance. The noise seems to be far worse during times of rain. Help!


Knowing that the problem is far worse during rain/inclement weather, the problem is highly likely being caused by wet cabling. Take a basic single line telephone to the Verizon Network Interface. On the customer side of the demarcation point is a test jack. Plug the telephone into the jack, go off hook and listen to the dial tone. If it is noisy, then the problem is between the Central Office and the demarc. Contact Verizon Repair to have the telephone line tested. If Fios is available in your area, consider switching to the fiber-based service. If it isn’t available, Verizon will dispatch a technician to test the cable segments to isolate and repair the point(s) of failure.

If the problem is between the demarc & inside wiring, Verizon can test the demarc and replace/repair based upon the test results.

Solution provided by dexman.

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