Massive packet loss / lost connections with 4g hotspot

A year ago, when I first joined Verizon, I got the mobile hotspot on my 4g LTE revolution. When I used it, however, I quickly discovered that the packet loss was insane. Sure, the speed was nice... But what's the point of speed if you are losing and regaining connection repeatedly every 4-5 seconds? So I dropped it, figuring it was because I was in a small town and it must have bad reception.

A year later I am no longer in a small town. Sitting in the middle of Jacksonville, FL, I have maxed 4g signal and am ready to roll! So today I reactivated the hotspot feature on my phone... And packet loss extreme all over again. Viewing web pages is impossible. Even speedtest won't complete!

I'm at a loss. I signed up today for the service, tacking an extra $20 for a service I can't use Smiley Sad My phone itself had no problem web browsing or running net based apps, but any device connected to it in hotspot mode is useless, whether it be my iPad or laptop.

Any help would be awesome Smiley Sad

1 Reply

Any feedback or assistance would definitely be appreciated! Even just loading this community website can take between 2-5 minutes PER PAGE when it gets finicky. I've been attempting to log in and write this reply for the past 10 minutes Smiley Sad
