Whats happening with KitKat Update ?

I called in and asked verizon about the Kitkat update and i was told that it was in the lines and they will be updating it in phases , however its been weeks after that still no word on the update. .  In the mean time all the carriers US and elsewhere have provided the kit kat update. . Any one know about this ?

21 Replies

Seems that it's out there somewhere.


The writer acts like it's available.

Not applicable

MrBonjour wrote:

Seems that it's out there somewhere.


The writer acts like it's available.

You do realize that's just a spam article. It's just to get people to click ads.


Interestingly, even though the specs still say Android 4.2.2 in My Verizon the photograph of the G2 shows the KitKat 4.4.2 opening wallpaper! My guess is that the article noted above has some truth to it and we will have KitKat very soon. Here is the Verizon webpage:


So far my phone will not detect an upgrade and none is shown in Verizon Support except the minor fix from December.

Not applicable

That wallpaper is the one that came with my G2 I got in January and I'm on 4.2. Of course we're getting KitKat no one said we weren't. All LG said is by the end of Q1 which is March 31.

Enthusiast - Level 3

anonymuss is right. mobilebloom is an advertising site for sure. The article doesn't even make sense because the updates it listed are the same as the small patch we got a couple months ago. The wallpaper listed in the link is on my g2 now that I got in November. Sprint still hasn't the update either but we are the last 2 carriers in the USA. the fact that Verizon is usually last is what bothers me. There will have to be some major mobile traffic over the next 2 weeks to get the update to all U.S customers by Q1 like LG promised. My guess is it wont happen by March 31 and when we do get 4.4 that will be the last update so I just pray its a solid build. The wait is nothing more than Verizon making sure their bloat works which we all know has always had issues in some way or another. The international version has had 4.4 for a couple months and the only real difference is the radios and the bloat. LG let Verizon drop this ball big time because there are i9300 galaxy s3 phones that are under 4.4 soak testing now. The s3 getting it anywhere around the same time is a huge letdown really.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Well its the last official week of Q1. Still no word from Verizon. This isn't LG anymore and purely carrier related. Canada is getting it Tuesday while the rest of the world is pulling it daily. Sprint and Verizon have become the lone rangers in this race. I really appreciate all the hard work that goes into their testing since we all love their bloat to begin with "lol".

But on another note I was sent a very interesting email about my RAZR MAXX HD. It was an invite to some testing on a serious update " Very likely 4.4". Feels great knowing I have a 4 month old device that has had less attention this month than my 1 1/2 year old device. Talk about pouring salt in a wound this did it. 

LG has made some serious changes. They haven't been slow with this update like they have been in the past. So I thank Verizon for crippling LG'S market for Verizon customers. Verizon forced a one of a kind model (vs980) that has half the accessories of the international already so I can understand them playing big brother like usual tweaking anything they see fit. LG should really step up and point the finger this time. 

Enthusiast - Level 3

No word on update ANYWHERE I check. honestly Verizon is (removed) me off. I got kicked off my grandfathered unlimited data unless I felt like paying $600 for the g2 on top of ridiculous bloatware and inability to have any control over these devices. T-mobile is looking better everyday. Verizon should really push these updates out faster and get rid of the awful bloat they are famous for. Do you really think we don't notice? If this update isn't in by tomorrow I might just ditch "america's top Wireless Network" Good service or not, your customer service and planning suck (removed)

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I called Verizon last night and according to their tech department there is nothing about the kitkat for the g2 on their database.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Wtf mate? It already came out for a bunch of carriers and in the US. Is

Verizon really going to stiff us altogether? I'm about over this place

Enthusiast - Level 3

We will get 4.4 guys don't worry. I don't think Verizon wants that kind of backlash from LG if they tried keeping this kind of update from us. The big IF is when. Now that LG has said they are releasing the knock code for our g2's I would almost guarantee Verizon will hold the 4.4 until Knock code is implemented so Verizon only sends out one update. My best guess is probably mid to late April. LG posted Sprint's firmware last night so yes indeed we are DEAD LAST. The carrier usually updates within a week sometimes two of firmware listings. That news is the real pain really as Sprint was the last carrier to get the G2. I was in a Verizon store today talking with a manager and he said we were getting it but they don't know anymore than we do really. This manager doesn't blow me off either we talk pretty regularly and know each other outside work but Talking to any Verizon rep about an update is just like talking to your local corner lot used car salesman really. They will give you an answer even if its only half true. My best answer is just sit tight like I am and try to realize what good Verizon could be doing with their bloat "lol". What's really ironic to me though is how LG is changing and the entire world is seeing it but Verizon. I was a moto guy but I even see the change LG is making.

Enthusiast - Level 3

More than likely they are making sure that Google Wallet's tap to pay is still disabled since its supposed to be enabled on all nfc device running kitkat. They wouldnt want to competition for ISIS.


I never did get ISIS to work with AmEx Serve correctly.  I was going to save the incentive money AmEx put on the card for emergencies, like if I lost my physical wallet and still had my phone.  I contacted both companies and tickets were put in. I kept getting calls asking me if the problem was fixed.  ISIS is outsourced.  I got the prepaid card and the SIM and signed up. Problem was, the card was always trying to load into the ISIS wallet.  Never fully synced so I couldn't use the NFC feature, only the card.  Plus, AmEx always has some crazy $100 hold at gas stations, which means, the money gets transferred from your funding source and you can't transfer the money from the card to the funding source once it's moved.  They never did resolve the problem and I ended up cancelling ISIS.  NEVER had a problem with Google Wallet.  Plus, it's MasterCard.  AmEx is somehow not accepted most places I'd need it at.  It's going to be a long time before I try ISIS again.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Well as of 3/31 sprint has went live.  We are dead last. Thank you big red. I cant wait to see this bloat that's taking so long to add. You are the disappointment not lg.  Must Make you feel powerful to stand up to what manufacturers ask on release dates for their support.  You are the support problem now not these manufacturers and it's time the general public knew it to.

Enthusiast - Level 3

So pissed u had to give up my unlimited to get this phone. I could have

saved up full price before this update got released

Enthusiast - Level 3

ALL other US Carriers already have KIT KAT on the Galaxy S4!!!  Verizon does NOT, That is a fact!!

Now we know Verizon's intention.  NO Kit Kat for GS4's any time soon!!  When you look at Verizon's promotion of the GS5 it talks about how great KIT KAT is and how the GS4 DOES NOT HAVE IT, which means it is not coming any time soon!!!!

<<From Verizonwireless.com>>


The operating system

All three smartphones run the Android™ operating system, but different versions. The S III and the S 4 have Jelly Bean, while the S 5 has KitKat 4.4.2.

KitKat employs the latest technology to deliver crisp visuals and a seamless, more immersive experience for you. Launch voice commands with two words, “OK, Google”, and read more easily with immersive mode. The status and notification bars disappear when you’re in certain full-screen apps or games, but, don’t worry, you can bring them back with just a swipe of your finger. Plus, KitKat is the most efficient Android operating system yet, using less power overall while running the same apps and programs.


Verizon GS4 Customers - All other US carriers have given their customers with GS4's (and who pay less for their service)  "the latest technology" (as stated above).  But us Verizon Customers are left WITHOUT THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY on our "flagship phones"

FIX IT VERIZON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Master - Level 1

So now that you graced us with duplicate posts stating information that we already know, why don't you post something that has informational qualities to it.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Duplicate post - please see:

Re: Where is Android 4.4 KitKat for the Verizon Galaxy Note 3?!?

Edited by admin_moderator


It is available now!!! I just updated my G2 through software upgrade assistant!!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Still waiting...... what gives Verizon. We are now officially the last BIG carrier to not have this update.  Why?!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Still waiting on the Galaxy S4 kitkat update...... what gives Verizon. We are now officially the last BIG carrier to not have this update.  Why?!
