Netgear LTE LM 1300 modem
Enthusiast - Level 1

Hi everyone.  Looking for some advice and direction. I purchased a Netgear LM 1300 modem and trying to use it as a backup option when the main service gets disconnected. I put my SIM in and it connects with Internet, but speeds are dismal, at the most I get 1 Mbps up and down. While in a 4G LTE phone I get up to 27 even 28 Mbps download. Is this limited by VW on their end because I am using the plan other than my phone? Is there another device that will work better? I know VW has specific plans for this type of usage, but I will not use this on a regular basis so it doesn't make sense to purchase a separate Jet pack plan. 

Any advice or info is greatly appreciated, thank you. 

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