Did You Know You Can Change Your Inbox Layout?
Contributor - Level 1

Verizon Message Center  uses  can now choose the layout of their inbox.

It can be Classic Layout with a simple list of your emails. You just need to double click an email to read it in a full screen.

Or it can be Preview Bottom layout with a list of your emails with a preview pane at the bottom. The preview pane size can also be adjusted to the size that works for you.

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2 Replies

Cool features. I stick with the classic. The first thing I do on any mail client is turn off the preview pane. I guess I am old school and was taught previewing a message was the same as opening them without asking. Not always safe. Especially if it is a new bug in the wild.

But most software should stop stuff from executing without asking. Microsoft was burned by this many times. Now they even ask to download the pictures with outlook.

Contributor - Level 1


Please know that you do not have to turn off the preview pane feature every time you log in. You can change the Default layout in the Settiings tab.

I just wanted to save you time and aggrevation. Smiley Wink

Thank you
