Apple Watch series 7 GPS+ Cellular not connecting to cellular and no sim shown
Enthusiast - Level 1

I purchased a new Apple Watch series 7 GPS + Cellular to replace my old Apple Watch series 3 that had stopped working. I received my new Apple Watch Feb 18th and immediately attempted setting up device. My device was not able to connect to cellular network stating “Something went wrong please contact #### to finish transaction” I then went on to call technical support, chat online with technical support, spoken/chatted with multiple different tech support agents for hours and there is no resolution or answers. An incident ticket was created and I was told I would receive updates and it would be corrected in 24-72 hours. It has been over 15 days. I have attempted to check on status of incident ticket several times with agents telling me it is still being reviewed and I will be contacted when it is resolved. Apple Support troubleshooting stated that IMEI number was not compatible with Verizon network (even though I bought Watch through Verizon) and that Verizon needed to manually add my IMEI number to database. When I relayed this information to one of the many techs I have contacted I was told this was not the issue. To be fair, every tech I have contacted has been very kind but I am frustrated that this very expensive purchase has yet to be able to do its function and connect to Verizon’s cellular network, and even more upset that it has been over 15 days and I still have not received any update or resolution to my incident ticket. Has anyone else experienced this issue?

#technical support issues 

Apple Watch Series 7 

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3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

If ever it gets fixed please leave a comment on how they finally did it. I’m just tired of calling and getting no where


Enthusiast - Level 2

I have exactly the same problem, including the same error message when registering.  Just went in circles with Verizon chat, with a representative who simply could not understand the problem.  Was there any solution?


Same issue with mine that I’ve had for about the same amount of time, I’ve been dealing with this issue since February as well. Multiple calls, multiple agents.. apple and Verizon can’t do squat for me. I just wanna be able to use my watch as it was intended!
