Network Extender Cordless Phone Interferance

We've had our network extnder and cordless phone in operation for two years now. Since Windstrem upgraded our Internet DSL package from 1Mbps to 50Mbps our Samsung/Verizon network extender has made our Panasonic dect 6.0 cordless phones useless. I have verified this by a process of elimination and when the network extender is off or the antenna is rotated down the cordless phones work just fine.

I am puzzled at the relationship of this problem with the DSL upgrade but I think it is just a coincidence. The cordless phones will also work satisfactorially if they are taken to about 50 feet from the network extender and close to the phone base. There were no problems with the cordless phones prior to the upgrade.

Any ideas?

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Customer Service Rep

Having the Network Extender work in sync with your cordeless phone is important oldSarge98. The update shouldn't have caused issues with the connection. Have you tried contacting your home carrier to discuss any settings that need to be updated to properly connect with your devices?

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