Saturday 1-15-11
Contributor - Level 2

I'm sitting in Krystal Hamberger's using an ATT&T wi-fi to get this message across.

Everthing that has ever gone wrong with my VZW connection is occurring in spades today.


  I was on hold for 40 minutes before i gave up and hung up on Verizon's 800 # tech support.  Apearently I'm not the only one having trouble in N. Georgia/Atlanta.


I'm in the shadow of a Verizon tower and I'm getting WMC's 601's & 101's    -  On three different previously OK computers.


I went to the secret diagnostics window and under Field Test  most ofthe numbers are dancing red all over the place.


I even tried to calling the local dealerships and they were shunting all calls to the HOLD FOREVER line,  not even a human salesperson could pick up.


What's Going ON?


T-mobile used to have a Network Update line that at least let you know that there was problem in the system and it wasn't personal.     HELLO VERIZON?   Anybody out there?

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7 Replies
Contributor - Level 2

I'm going to give a kudo to your post; if everyone else does that too, it's got to raise your visibility (I already see the other threads about errors)

Enthusiast - Level 1

I did get through to tech support this morning.  The server that reads your sims card in you device is the problem, that is why you can' t even connect with 3g service even though normally you could.   I had my service downgraded to the mifi I had just upgraded from until they can restore my 4g service.  I was on the phone including the hold time for 49 minutes.


The tech guy told me they had 1 - 2 calls then all of a sudden 100 then 300 calls flooded their lines.  They had no definitive time element for bringing service back up.   I it system / nation wide.   

Contributor - Level 2

Thanks PepDot; Yours is the first explanation I've gotten. -and it had to come from a "civilian".


I'm up on at 4G now.   All I wanted to hear from Verizon was that there is/was a problem on their end, and they're busting their butts to make sure I get superior service so I won't be sorry I went Verizon.        Is that too much to ask?


They're a Communications Company!   They should know how to communicate!   When there's a major crisis,  find a way to route people to an explicit recorded explanation.   Then, maybe, their switchboards won't get blown off the the hooks.

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I have no ideas for those who have already purchased 4G devices, but I think the rest of us should stick with 3G until Verizon is able to resolve the problems with 4G. I would rather have a slower device that works than a faster device that doesn't work.

i was looking forward to getting the driod bionic now that am due for an would have been my first smart phone.but with all the bugs i will have to settle for a 3g smart phone.

Not applicable
Or keep the phone you have for a while longer. I'm still using a Motorola Razr connected to a docking station for my home phone.
Specialist - Level 1

voltrek wrote:

i was looking forward to getting the driod bionic now that am due for an would have been my first smart phone.but with all the bugs i will have to settle for a 3g smart phone.

I to would go for the Bionic but (1) I'm not eligible for an upgrade until Mar of '12 and (2) there isn't 4G coverage in Hawaii at this time. It's at the Honolulu Airport only.

I'm very happy with my Droid X and the speeds of 3G.  So it doesn't bother me to have to wait.  Besides, the Bionic will be old news by the time I can upgrade so I'll just wait for the 4G LTE Droid "Viper".
