suddenly lost cell signal - Gilbert AZ
Enthusiast - Level 2

up until 10/4/21, I had a great signal inside my home. Something happened on 10/4 and I no longer can   talk on my phone inside my home. I have spoken with a number of my neighbors and they saw the same signal drop on 10/4. Can a tower be down nearby?

I live in Gilbert AZ, 85298, and nearest cross streets are Riggs Rd and Higley Rd

3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

oddtaco, thank you for being a loyal customer and giving us the opportunity to help. Many factors outside of Verizon’s control can contribute to indoor performance even in cases where you may have had service in the past. To assist you with having a more consistent indoor voice experience we have a number of technology solutions available to you.


To ensure that we're on the same page, is this issue happening only indoors or outdoors as well?


Enthusiast - Level 2



It occurs inside my home. I also asked other in my development and there are around a dozen other Verizon customer residents of Adora Trails Gilbert AZ experiencing the same issue, and all of them mention they also lost inside their home signal around 10/4.


Can there be a tower in the area that is causing this issue for me and a dozen others?



Customer Service Rep

oddtaco, no outages or alerts have been reported in the area.


Verizon Wireless Radio Frequency engineers and system performance engineers regularly evaluate network coverage and performance to identify locations that may require additional coverage.
Based on their analyses and recommendations, cell site construction or other improvements are then planned and budgeted accordingly. Our specific network expansions, plans, locations, and timetables are considered proprietary and confidential; therefore, we do not have any exact details for tower installation or enhancements. 
We recommend for indoor coverage issues to utilize Wi-Fi Calling. To learn more visit

