International Pass

I'm trying to turn off TravelPass. I see in Features > Manage This Line's Feature > TravelPass. It indicates that "Travel Pass is On" .  How do I turn it off? There is no link or button to actually physically turn off the feature. 


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3 Replies
Champion - Level 3

@SPQR_AD76 wrote:

I'm trying to turn off TravelPass. I see in Features > Manage This Line's Feature > TravelPass. It indicates that "Travel Pass is On" .  How do I turn it off? There is no link or button to actually physically turn off the feature. 


How are you signing in to your My Verizon account, the phone app or a browser?

Have you looked in 'International Plans'?

What make/model phone do you have?

...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...
Customer Service Rep

Hello, it is nice to meet you. I would be wondering how to turn this off too. Allow me to help clarify how this works. The feature cannot be turned off. It is based on if you use the service. If you don't use the service then you will not get charged. You can review the FAQ's here: Does this help?


Champion - Level 3

@vzw_customer_support wrote:

Hello, it is nice to meet you. I would be wondering how to turn this off too. Allow me to help clarify how this works. The feature cannot be turned off. It is based on if you use the service. If you don't use the service then you will not get charged. You can review the FAQ's here: Does this help?


I had TravelPass when I would travel close to the Canadian border and get service from their towers.  When I moved to Northern Vermont, I changed my plan to include Canada and REMOVED the TravelPass option.  I'm not sure what you mean that 'The feature cannot be turned off.' 

...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...