Samsung Gusto 2 Prepaid
Enthusiast - Level 1

I was just wondering how many others using the Verizon Prepaid service with the Samsung Gusto 2 have experienced their minutes just suddenly disappearing?

I bought the phone on August 17, 2012 and it came with a $10 worth of  minutes. I added a $30 card on Oct. 3 2012  that was supposed to be good for 120 minutes and 3 months. I signed up with the 25 cents per minute plan because I do not use it that often. I received a text message from Verizon telling my my account was low. I go online and checked and found that I now have "0" minutes left.

My online account shows that I've only used 3 or four minutes during the time I've had the phone. So what happened to my time and money?

An update: I spoke with customer service on the phone and they said they have no record of my adding a $30 card. When I entered the card # I checked my balance via my phone and it showed that it had credited my account, I also received a text message from Verizon informing me that I had added the additional time and minutes. Unfortunately I threw the card away after entering it and deleted the text messages. I didn't see the point in keeping them, but I do now.

I suppose that Verizon could wipe out everyone's time/minutes and simply claim that you never added any extra time. I would suggest to everyone who reads this to save your cards and write on them the date and rime you added it and keep your confirmation text messages. I have no doubt that there is a problem with Verizon's tracking system in regards to managing or keeping up with their customer's minutes.

All I can say is that I am glad that I did not throw away my tracfone. My minutes roll over and every time I add a card the end time increases. You're never limited to just 30-60-90 days. Also, the time remaining and the end date are always displayed on the phone's screen. The book that came with my Verizon phone said that I could display this information on my Gusto 2 by going to Menu -> Settings -> Display -> Balance Display and highlighting the desired setting -> Show or Hide. Only problem is that I do not have a "Balance Display" option under "Display".

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6 Replies
Specialist - Level 2

If you have a computer or know someone who does you can go to and sign up and you will beable to display the time you used for texting or calling and when your $30.00 balance was added. - then put your 10 digit cell number , then your password, then click on Overview, then Continue, then Balance Details that will show you all your balance for texts and cell calls and when money was added to your account.

Message was edited by: Minniehaha

Specialist - Level 2

If you did alot of texting that would have used up the account balance, 25 cents to send a text and 25 cents to receive a text adds up fast.


Yes, I also tried to set up display account balance and there is no "balance display!!!!" I haven't found anything on the Verizon site yet that would show how to do that.

Specialist - Level 2

The Gusto 2 does not have a display balance. Not all prepaid phones have the display balance, it would tell you under description of the phone if it had a  display balance.


I called Verizon. They did have it but did away with it. Also, there was a

65 plus program and that is gone now, too. They keep changing things

without notifying their customers.

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 11:09 PM, Minniehaha

Specialist - Level 2

Thanks for the info about the 65 plus plan, I didn't know they stopped that.
