4.4 KitKat notification bark DARKER than before

Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me??  At the lock screen (the only place where the transparency happens) the blue icons are pretty bright and easy to read.  But then you unlock the device and they dim!!!  I'm quite sure this did not happen before the 4.4 update.  I find it much more difficult to read the time and other information now.  It's driving me crazy!  Is anyone else seeing this?  Is there a fix?

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7 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello madpete03!

Let's ensure you have a positive experience with your Droid Maxx. I haven't come across others experiencing this issue. Have you changed your background on your device recently? Do you notice a difference?

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Thanks for writing! Yes I've tried both dark and light colored wallpapers

and the blue icons & time in the status bar are still dimmer than before,

no change. If I try a 3rd party launcher like nova, the icons are

noticeably brighter. But then when I enter an app, like say gmail, the bar

defaults back to it's system brightness which is harder to read. Why would

my phone be doing this after the new kitkat update?


On Jan 18, 2014 9:00 AM, "Verizon Wireless Customer Support" <

Customer Service Rep

Hi madpete03,

Let's get your phone back to 100%! When you completed the update, did the whole update complete? Are you having problems with any applications on your phone? Keep us posted.

Thanks, BobbyS_VZW
Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport


Yes, the updated definitely completed 100%. Everything seems to be running

fine, with the exception of the darker icons/text in the status bar and

also the home button issue, which others seem to be experiencing. The

phone acts like I've hit home twice, bringing me back to the middle home

page, even if I was previously on a different home screen. This is pretty

annoying. The motion isn't even that smooth - it's kinda jumpy.

I did a factory reset last night and the phone is behaving the same exact

way. The blue text and icons in the bar still go darker/dimmer when I

unlock. For me they are harder to read now. I've even tried using a black

wallpaper and this proves that it isn't just my eye because of the

transition from the transparency of the lockscreen to the black bar on the

homescreen. There is a noticeable dimming effect on the status bar when I


On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Verizon Wireless Customer Support <

Customer Service Rep

Thanks for the details madpete03. This sort of happened to me with the Home button, (on a different phone). All the normal icons that were on the main Home Screen, are now on the screen one side over to the right. I know I can simply rearrange them, but I haven't made time to do that. Basically, you have a new Home page that you need to rearrange icons with the update. As for transparency, if you bring down your Settings screen, by pulling down the bar from top of phone, you should see Brightness. You can tap it to go up and down, depending on how bright you want it, or you can set to Automatic to adjust to whatever light setting you're in. Hopefully this will help with the icons. Please let us know if this helps.

Thank you,

Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport


This just happened to me on the Kitkat update to my Droid Razr Maxx. My lock screen updated, but my home screen looks as if I still have Jellybean. I checked my device status and it says I have updated to 4.4.2

Customer Service Rep

We appreciate the feedback, Jen-P1! What is different about the screen? It is true that KitKat has a "laid back" notification bar, which is is grey/white in color.
The good news is that the device is showing 4.4.2 which does indicate KitKat.

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