Am I the only one who noticed this weird thing that relates to the Droid Turbo 2 crashing and abnormal charging problem?

I have noticed a lot of people complaining about the Droid Turbo 2 and its problem with continuous crashing and abnormal charging.  I too am facing this problem, and will hopefully no longer have to face this problem, I am planning to get a new phone this weekend. 

I have always use the OEM charger that came with the phone, and even used it after the problem started to happen, which was after approximately a year after I got the phone.  I noticed that I was noticed according to Verizon's support section of the website (obviously where we read these discussions and questions), that I am not the only one that is facing these problems even though the charger that came with the box is being used. 

So I did a little insight into the problem and found a few weird things.  First, when I downloaded the "Device Help" app from Motorola Mobility (Motorola basically), I got the app from google store., I went to the issues tab, and went to device tests.  In that section there is a option for battery testing, which when selected, shows the (voltage, temperature of the batter, charging status, and a few other things.)  When I plugged the phone into the charger that came with the box, I saw the weirdest thing ever, the app shows the battery's voltage goes from 3.8V to 4.4V in like 5 seconds.  It also states that the battery is full when the android battery lvl indicator still says 73%.  First a battery can not charge that fast in 5 seconds.  I look at androids battery settings where a person can see the graph.  Plug it in and says charging for just 5 seconds, then says full, and now it says 74%. 

The device crashing issue like everyone has been saying can happen at anytime, even at startup where the password is put in.  What I have noticed is that when the Motorola logo shows and the power button is pressed before the vibration, and this is done repeatedly for like 5 or more times since the phone would restart during restart, the phone will not crash for a longer period of time.  However this wastes the battery. 

Now the most weird thing, is that when I am in the car (I do not drive someone else does), and I connect the phone to a Verizon made car charger (it has only the Verizon logo on the charger), the phone will charge with no problems ( only the charging will take some time).  Has anyone else noticed this? 

However I am going to get another phone, it is a waste of gas in a car to just charge a phone, and a waste of time to look for a power outlet when not near a car.   

Another question, when starting the phone up and I go to the app that Motorola has made, and go to the battery test selection, it says that the battery is at 31 C / 93 F.  The temperature does go down as the phone stays on, but is that normal battery temperature at start-up? 

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Update I am buying a new phone tommorow.