Battery Performance


I'm a new Turbo 2 owner.  I'm noticing that my battery is draining in 6-12 hours ... no where close to 48 as advertised (I didn't expect 48 but did expect a full day without heavy use.  I've noticed that "Cell Standby" is always at or near the top of what consumes battery.  I have display set very low, synch turned off for email, disabled as many apps as I could, etc.  I did as much as I could figure out to conserve battery.  Even with WiFi off, I still get high "Cell Standby" consumption. 

Anyone else seeing similar behavior?  Anyone know how to correct?  This could force me to another phone if it continues.

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4 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

Try turning off your data and Wi-Fi and blue tooth, The blue on your cell uses a lot of battery power also your data and Wi-Fi, When I turn off my blue tooth and data and Wi-Fi this saves my cell phone battery up to 70%, Dim your display just enough to see, and makesure your home screen is off or your screen is black when in idle mode, I hope this helps....


Thanks for response.  To clarify -- my screen is dimmed as much as possible. sleep screen is black, bluetooth is always off, I have wifi off now.  I keep data on since otherwise I would just get a flip phone.  This thing is supposed to provide good battery life while in use.  I know I can get the battery to last if I turn it off and don't use anything but that isn't really why I bought it.

Community Leader
Community Leader

What does the battery stats say is the largest battery user? Can you please post screenshots of the battery usage screens?

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


I've disabled almost all of the bloatware that came with phone and were needed/possible, replaced with new apps and appear to have corrected the problem (may be too early to tell). The ones I am pretty sure I remember disabling since originally posting include:  Moto, Moto Actions and Voice, Mobile Hotspot, Amazon appstore, Caller Name ID, Google App, Help.  I keep tweaking things that I stumble across so not exactly sure what it was.  I'll report back if behavior changes or is confirmed.