Battery doesn't hold charge since 9/22 fiasco - anyone else?
Enthusiast - Level 2

For all of you who experienced the continuous power cycling issue on 9/21 and 9/22, is anyone now having battery problems? Since the issue was fixed, my Droid Maxx very suddenly stopped holding a charge. It lasts half of a day now. I've done nothing different with the phone and have not downloaded any new apps.

Wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same thing?

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16 Replies
Customer Service Rep


Having a lasting battery is of the utmost importance. We depend on our devices a lot these days so I understand needing a device that works and holds a charge as it should. I would like to say that I am very happy to hear that your device is no longer power cycling. Let's get to the bottom of this draining battery. If you go to Settings>Battery, what is showing as the list of apps using your battery power? Do you have any isssue with your device taking a charge?

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Enthusiast - Level 2

I don't have issues with it taking a charge. It just doesn't seem to hold a charge. And it wasn't a gradual decline. It was sudden - one day the battery lasted all day, the next day it was drained in 4 or 5 hours.

Google play services has used 39%, android system 37%, screen 11%, wifi 3%, android os 3%, phone idle 2%, voice calls 2%, WCVB app 2%.

Enthusiast - Level 2

My phone has been doing the same thing and has roughly the same breakdown of battery use.  Mine also only lasts for about 8 hours with the same use and no new apps that were on the phone prior to the 9/22 issues.  I have also cleared the cache files without any change to the battery life.

Customer Service Rep
Hi jmp131

Let's bring your phoen and battery back to life! Has your phone been exposed to any physical or water damage? Please advise your current device usage history:

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Enthusiast - Level 2

My phone has not been damaged physically or by water.  After reviewing the Battery Use link that you provided, I follow some of those guidelines, but not all.  However, my usage has not changed from prior to 9/22/15, where the phone began to constantly reboot every minute or so.  Ever since, as LDig stated, the battery completely drains from a 100% charge in the morning to dead in roughly 8 hours compared to 24-48 hours depending on the use for the day.  The current use when the battery only lasts 8 hours is actually minimal compared to previous usage (i.e. no game playing and minimal email checking).  It appears that Google Play Services and the android system are eating up all of the battery (44% and 36% respectively) today.  My guess is that the google app is keeping my phone from sleeping and draining the battery, but its not an app i can turn off or delete. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

I was told since the upgrade there is yet another area needs to be turned off as it runs up data and battery under settings scroll all the way to bottom the last icon turn off


Same here... I used to get 2 days on one charge, suddenly I have to charge every night!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm lucky to get 8 hours. I had one long phone call with tech support, and they had me uninstall all apps/updates from Google, and told me to wait 48 hours to see if that did the trick. NOPE. Now I get to call tech support again. I've been with Verizon Wireless for a long time and I'm disappointed they're not making this right.

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Customer Service Rep

We do appreciate your loyalty LDig. I will make sure that I look into this and get it fixed. I have sent you a private message so I can further assist with diagnostics.
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Enthusiast - Level 2

I've already spoken with tech support twice about this, Amber, but thanks for the response. If you have any insight beyond what I've already been told, I'm happy to hear it.

Everyone else - jmp131, Limee49, johninfla - did you ever do a factory reset after 9/22? Yesterday, Verizon Wireless tech support told me only people who have not done a factory reset are experiencing this problem.

I'm really curious what others with issue have been told.

So far, I've been told to go into my apps and either uninstall or uninstall updates to every app associated with Google, and then wait 24-48 hours to see if that fixes it. It didn't.

Next, I was told to uninstall my antivirus, charge my battery to 100%, drain it all the way down to 0% and then see if that solved it. Still waiting to see the results of that. (I was also told to keep all apps updated, because if they're not, wonky things can happen in the background that could drain my battery.)

If that doesn't work, next step is a factory reset. If that doesn't work, only then can we talk about replacing the phone.

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I have had similar issues with the battery life suddenly diminishing rapidly the past few weeks.  The last few days the phone would no longer accept a charge, or charge above 14% after 24 hours of being plugged in.  Today, it is completely dead.

I have tried several chargers (USB and Hardwired), even a power pack charge at the Verizon store with no results.  I have also tried rebooting, with no luck.  Nobody seems to have an answer.  Now I have a new $600 phone.  Interested to hear if anyone finds a solution, preferably in the next 14 days.

Customer Service Rep


Your phone should always have the best performance. I do see that you have done alot so far. When did this first start for you? Were there any updates completed recently?
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       It started in September.  Whatever it was that night, made my phone keep flashing the Motorola Logo and making the little bubble sound the phone makes when you plug in or remove the charger.  This repeated for hours that night.  I assumed my charger was bad, but never did it again after that night.   Apparently, this happened to others too.

     After that I noticed my battery dying out in 8-10 hours with little usage.  A week or so later, it would die out in 4 hours.  Last week it wouldn't charge above 14% and then last Saturday, it wouldn't charge at all and I noticed a little green LED in the upper left corner that I had never ever seen before.  It would stay steady for a while then flash a few times and go out.  It did that for a few days, but now it has stopped completely.  The phone has been plugged into a charger for 72 hours, and no sign of life.  Not even the green LED.

     My phone was receiving updates every night the last few weeks, but I couldn't tell you which apps.  There were always 3 or 4 per night.

Customer Service Rep


We want your phone to charge as it should everyday. Just to make sure we have covered everything so far have you tried a different charger cord and base? Are you using the original charger for the phone?
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      I have tried several charger cord and base combinations, including the original charger.  It will not accept a charge from anything.  Not even the Powerpack charger at the Verizon store will get a reaction.

Customer Service Rep

Thanks for trying several charger cords including the original charger, 727jet. I understand the importance of your device getting the charge it needs to function. Let me continue with helping to fix this issue. Does the device have any physical or moisture damage? Is the charger port loose or bent? Share more details so we can get this resolved as quickly as possible.
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