Can not send videos
Enthusiast - Level 1

I am new to android phones. I am accustomed to working with iPhone, iPads. I tried to send a 47 sec video but I received an error that it exceeded the message limit. I trimmed it down to 20 secs, still no luck. I can not send it with Messaging, Message+, or by email. I installed two diff apps that were recommended in a forum on the subject, handcent and go SMS pro. No luck. I installed Messenger and was able to send the video. BUT, the important people, husband and daughter, do not have or want Messenger. There HAS to be a way to send videos with a phone that has such a great camera! I want to love this phone, but this about to be a deal breaker!

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1 Reply

Did you try sending it Via the Network option or Via Wi-Fi.?  if by Wi-Fi switch the phone off of Wi-Fi and use the Network. b33