Critical battery issue...

So just recently I plugged my Droid Turbo 2 in to charge and when it hit 100% I removed it from the charger and went off to eat dinner. When I came back later I picked the phone up again and it was down at 35%. I thought maybe it was a false battery reading earlier so I plugged it back into the turbo charger and an hour later it was maxed out again. After unplugging it I sat and watched as the battery drained as if it were on a countdown timer. Within 15 minutes it was already down to 72%, so I restarted the phone and upon reboot it was down to 68%. Within 30 minutes of coming off the charger it was down at 55%. I'm not using a new or different charger, so I've no idea what it could be. When I checked the battery in settings there were no apps or the like running and it said I had 55% with estimated time left set at 29 minutes until the battery should die. Anyone know what's happening?

No, I haven't dropped the phone or got it wet or done anything harmful to it lately. I'd share a screen shot of the battery screen in settings but it won't let me log into the forum on my mobile for some reason.

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Contact Motorola directly to discuss your warranty repair options including sending the phone to the manufacturer for a replacement battery.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


Was what?  Dead?  Hot?