Help! Droid Turbo 2 freezes up (powering on) & has 2 error messages!

Hi, First, thank you for reading and I hope a VZW technician (or equivalent) reads this and can help me!  My phone (Motorola Droid Turbo 2) has been "out of order" for three days, as of Friday!  It is absolutely killing me as I use my phone for almost everything.  I began my day as usual on Wednesday, I grabbed my phone to check email, my calendar, and such, but upon picking it up, I noticed immediately that my phone was dead! This was very strange as it was plugged in and to charge overnight! I looked to see why it had not charged and did not see anything amiss, so I took the charging cord jack out and put it back in again, which started charging it again.  I thought it might just a loose connection but, the charging cord is new and I knew the connections were secure, but things do happen. I let my phone charge up and didn't think anymore about it until I went to turn it on.  It started like usual, it passed the Motorola logo, then onto the Blue Screen where the Droid "glass comes together".  It was acting like normal, but it was "lagging" just a bit on that screen. Then two error messages popped up one behind the other, simultaneously.  In order to view both, you had to click the blued "OK" and then you would only get a very quick view of the error message behind the first message, but they read as follows:  First message:  "Unfortunately, the process has stopped." [OK]  and the second message behind that one read:  "Unfortunately, the System UI has stopped." [OK].  I have tried to reboot, load in safe mode, and I cannot get past these two messages.  I read a few entries about both of these messages individually but, I could not find any post with them both together or even a posts of either of them regarding a Droid Turbo 2. There was an error messages regarding the regular Droid Turbo, but needless to say, the instructions on how to fix the problem did not "compute" with my phone, LOL!  Please help me... I cannot function without my phone!!!  

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Hi, again.  Just wanted to.update my post by adding that the battery/charging factor is DEFINITELY anissue and has been effected by whatever caused the two errors!  The fully charged battery only lasted maybe 2 hours tops just sitting with either sleeping (with the black screen) or turning it on/off in safe mode. I, again, set it to charge overnight and had no charge at all this morning!  I am hoping this is all related to whatever is preventing my phone from powering up, rather than my phone just dying a slow and miserable death!  Someone please stop and!  Thanks!