How can I remove a password for a specific app?

I recently purchased a Droid Turbo, which I am really quite happy with in all respects.  A few days ago, I was playing around with all of the security features and decided at that time to place a security password on two apps on my phone (bank account and a home security app).  However, I then later decided to put the security feature on the phone itself and this eliminated my need for another password on the apps themselves.  I decided to keep the one for my bank account, but I want to remove the one for the home security app, but I cannot find instructions on how to do this anywhere!  I cannot remember precisely where I found the instructions to use the password for the apps and I am becoming quite frustrated trying to figure out how to remove the password.  Please help!

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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep


We are so glad to hear that you love the Turbo. Nice choice of a phone! I know how important it is to have the security on particular apps, but at the same time it can be a little maddening when you want to remove the password as well. When you open up the app, do you have a way to go into the settings to see if it shows anything about disabling password? Since this isn't a Verizon Wireless app, we are very limited to trouble shooting. If you don't see this in the settings of this app, you can go into the play store and open up the app to contact the developer of the app. Towards the bottom it will list an email address for the developer.

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Thank you so much for your response, however, I was still pretty frustrated and unable to remove the passwords.  After another hour and a half today, though, I finally remembered that I had set them up in my anti-virus software app, and that would be where I needed to remove the block (which I then did).  Again, thank you for your response!

Customer Service Rep


That's great to hear that you figured it out. Those passwords can be wonderful and sometimes not so wonderful at the same time. If you ever need anything else, please feel free to reach out to us here.

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If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!