How do I stop unwanted WiFi notifications?

Whenever I am away from home, my Droid Maxx Kitkat 4.4.4 notifies me of available Wi-Fi networks, despite this notification being unchecked under 'Settings/Wi-Fi/Advanced/Network notification'.  Is there a different setting I should be looking for?  Thank you.

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1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 1

I had this same problem after a reset I put my phone through, frustrating as when I would go to WiFi > Advanced settings, the option was unchecked. After scouring the internet, found someone else had the same deal and it was a bug, so I did another Factory Reset through recovery and this time it seemed to work properly. It has been a week and I have yet to have it pop up again.

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1 Reply
Enthusiast - Level 1

I had this same problem after a reset I put my phone through, frustrating as when I would go to WiFi > Advanced settings, the option was unchecked. After scouring the internet, found someone else had the same deal and it was a bug, so I did another Factory Reset through recovery and this time it seemed to work properly. It has been a week and I have yet to have it pop up again.