ICS install fails on RAZR MAXX

I've downloaded ICS many times today. The last time after a system restore to original configuration. Software downloads and verifies but install fails. Tech support has no idea how to solve. Does anyone have any ideas what to do?

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8 Replies
Specialist - Level 2

factory reset, if not replacement phone


BJ  it might be you have to many apps for it to Load or you Need to Clear out your Web Browser This is what i would Try Go in and Uninstall every App you will have to Update them any Way once you get ICS Go into the Web Tap you Menu--> Tap More --> Settings --> Scroll Down To Privacy Then Tap Clear All--> to clear the Cookies and other things in the Browser Once Done then Tap Home

Then i would Soft Reset the Phone And Try doing the Download again.. If it Fails again then i would do what C 101 suggested doing a F.R. But when you do it Don't Clear your internal Storage or Your SD as it could Cause an issue If your Uneasy BJ about doing this Take it To the Store and Have them Flash it. It's the Same thing as a Factory Reset and it may Go then and they can Update there as Well. If it still acts up then i would Suggest a New Sim Card If the Sim and the Suggestions i mentioned above Don't Work then Get another Maxx .. Good Luck to Ya.!  b33


i have the same issue, it downloads the software but than when prompt to install when phone powers down it starts than 60 seconds into it it fails!! i did this 10 times so tech support sending new phone out to me, call in and hopefully same for you?? but thing is will the new phone do the same?? if so i will leave verizon once and for all and go to at&t whom i had for years since cingular i had NO ISSUES TILL VERIZON!! but ill wait till iphone 5 this fall, thank got my contract is over in july 2012!!! but good luck!!! this is a scam between verizon and motorola!!! can they hear me now??? good!!! they better im done!! this is one of many verizon issues!! users BEWARE!!!!!!


I have to ask because I mainly seen this under one situation.......   Did you install any software that would possibly void the device warranty? Like custom roms or uninstalling any stock software that wasn't allowed because this can cause a issues that you have described.


Wildman i was reading a Post on here About updating to New OS's and i think an Employee mentioned that Clearing all the Browser History and Cache in the Web helps as Well..


Wildman, the MAXX was new and put in service on 6/27 (to beat Verizon's new price plans!). Only items deleted were the two games. Other unwanted APPS were hidden. 3-4 new APPS were installed.

Customer Service Rep

BJ1952, I'm sorry you're having an issue with downloading ICS. I know this is very important because it provides so many benefits. I would like to ask a few questions to get started with finding a resolution for your issue. What trouble-shooting was performed over the phone with technical support? Did they have your enable/disable airplane mode or enable/disable safe mode? Were you offered a replacement? Is this issue occuring in 4G or 3G service areas? Have you tried to download the software while connected to wifi? Can you verify the current software on your phone Menu > Settings & Tools > Phone Info > S W Version > Software Version. If you continue to have issues, although your phone is new a factory reset may help with the issue. Here is a link with steps for a Factory reset http://bit.ly/tQ0nkT . Please keep us posted with your status. The final step would be to replace the device. ^KH


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