ICS update fails; no 4g service, partial outage?

About a week and a half ago, my RAZR stopped getting a 4g signal, even in areas where I previously got one.  Since I thought it might have something to do with the ICS update, I tried to download the new update.  It gets all the way through the download, but 1/3 of the way through the unpacking, the update fails and I'm left with the same OS.  I've tried it multiple times, over wi-fi, did a factory reset with a complete memory wipe, no luck.

Went into a Verizon store on Tuesday, after attempting the download and factory reset again, they called their main support line.  Apparently they said there's some sort of partial outage on their system, that's what's causing the 4g issue as well as the issue with the update failing.  Has anyone else heard the same thing, or were they just blowing smoke into my nether regions?

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3 Replies

So nobody has any ideas on how to fix this problem?  I'm getting kind of sick that I'm paying for 4g and receiving 3g service, not to mention the inability to receive the latest software upgrades for my phone.

Contributor - Level 1

Well if the factory reset didn't do the trick you need to get a replacement phone.

Customer Service Rep

I would like to assist you with your 4G signal Phalange! What is your zip code? When did this issue start? Have you tried to toggle airplane mode on and off? Has the sim card ever been replaced? Do you know if anyone else is having the same issue? Please answer these questions so that I can better assist you. Looking forward to assisting you.

Thank you,

Lena A.
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