Insurance is a scam
Enthusiast - Level 1

I got full coverage insurance when my whife and I got new phones a few months ago.  Unfortunately a few days ago my wife lost her phone or it was stolen.  We went online to and they said her Moto Z3 is on back order.  Whats the point of paying for the insurance and then having to wait for the phone just to fork out 149.00 deductable.   This is total garbage and makes me want to walk away from Verizon

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14 Replies
Customer Service Rep
cratenr, we know how important it is to have a great working device at all times. Your insurance is provided through the company Asurion, and they are able to replace your device when it has been damaged, stolen, or broken. It is a great option for when you need a device that works for a fraction of the cost. In times, when they no longer have the device in stock, they may give you a comparable device. You will find it common among other wireless carriers to use Asurion. For further inquiries regarding your replacement, they can be reached at 888-881-2622. Thank you. 
Master - Level 1

@cratenr wrote:

I got full coverage insurance when my whife and I got new phones a few months ago.  Unfortunately a few days ago my wife lost her phone or it was stolen.  We went online to and they said her Moto Z3 is on back order.  Whats the point of paying for the insurance and then having to wait for the phone just to fork out 149.00 deductable.   This is total garbage and makes me want to walk away from Verizon

You do not have Verizon insurance. You have insurance through Assurion which ALL carriers use. So good luck at a new carrier. Car insurance has adeductable, health insurance has a deductable, homeowners insurance has a deductable. But I do agree phone isurance is a rip off it's not a Verizon thing. I've never had insurance. Be careful, get a quality case and take any money you would have paid on insurance and save it in case something happens. Also keep your old phone so you have a backup. But if you really want to have insurance for your phone you can get it elsewhere

Enthusiast - Level 1

It is a scam.  What's the point if it's got $150 deductible? Same thing happened to my wife.  Screen broke, and now phone doesn't work.  Thought it would be a nice $29 for new glass.  Nope, $150 deductible for replacement.  What did I pay $11/month for the last two years for?

Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to read that you feel this way, and would like to help out with this situation regarding your insurance. Your insurance works similarly to how car insurance works. You pay month to month for the coverage and whenever you actually need to make a claim, you only pay a small fraction of the total cost of the repairs. Normally, the insurance will not offer a screen replacement if there is a risk of internal damage to the phone. Were you able to file a claim with Asurion?



Enthusiast - Level 1

Yeah that’s not what we were told when we purchased the Asurion. Your Verizon sales team informed each and every one of us at the time we purchased our devices that Asurion would fix cracked screens for 29$. You publicly advertise that on your main website as the mail selling point of Asurion. Never in your documents even in the fine print does it say a word about a 250-300$ deductible for a used phone that may not be at the same standard as your current phone. Example being sending a cracked note 10 in for a water damaged refurbished iPhone 7 and paying 300$ plus forfeiting your flagship device with a minor crack in the glass for a internally damaged outdated model. That’s not a good deal and nobody would ever be incompetent enough to pay 30$ a month for premium insurance when you have to pay 300$ plus forfeit your Device for an older damaged device that may or may not continue to work. Don’t push your customers off onto Asurion because when you sell a product you should stand behind it and be honest with your customers from the time the service was offered. Hey like I said, y’all wouldn’t  make any money off of telling people the reality of insurance and Asurion. There’s a reason Asurion ratings online are a whomping 1.3- a beautiful 3.1 being absolute best. Get your team in line and quit taking advantage of your customers. We all pay too much to be borderline scammed by a company we are already under contract with and paying premium prices monthly. Thanks 

Enthusiast - Level 1

It's cool though, because Asurion runs the scam so Verizon can wash their hands of any sort of responsibility for the false claims they used to sell you that insurance.

As a bonus, Verizon receives a healthy kickback from Asurion for their promotion and complicity.  Everyone wins. 

Except Verizon's customers.

Customer Service Rep



This is never the way we want you to feel. What question or concerns do you have regarding how the device coverage works that we can assist you with?



Enthusiast - Level 1

Yeah, but my deductible for auto glass is $0 and my collision has a $500 deductible which is many times less than the cost of repair.  You charge more than it cost to get the glass replacement so how is that comparable to auto or home insurance.  My home burns down I pay $1,000 out of pocket.  I’ve been a financial advisor for over a decade and this is a rip off!

Moderator Emeritus
Due to the age of this thread, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.
Enthusiast - Level 1

The difference with those insurances you mention is you are paying a small deductible on an unknown claim that can be quite large.  Not paying for the insurance and then paying $200 deductible on a $600 phone, complete scam.  That's the equivelant of paying a "deductible" of $150,000 when your $300,00 house burns down.

Enthusiast - Level 1

The insurance is a scam. I just returned from a Verizon store. My iPhone 6 plus screen got all dark. They told me I had insurance. They gave me information to contact the carrier. I also checked the prevailing prices online. I found that the iPhone 6 plus currently goes for $233. My deductible is $149. So my insurance is only paying $84. I've been paying the insurance every month. If this is not a ripoff what else is?  I stopped filing the claim when they asked me to provide my credit card information. I  have Verizon Wireless, Home Phone, Internet and FIOS. I'm about to drop all of them. 


Why were you still paying insurance on a phone that is not worth that much? Same concept as with a car, when the value of the car fall to a certain level, remove your collision insurance and only keep the liability parts. With phones, pay for insurance for a year or two since replacement cost then is so high, but after that the value of the phone doesn’t make insurance worth it. 

Customer Service Rep

Oh no, we definitely wouldn't want you to leave the Verizon family of services, enninb. Sorry to hear about any confusion over Asurion insurance and the unexpected costs involved. I'm happy to help out. To clarify, was there damage to the screen on the iPhone 6? If so, did you check with Asurion to see if they could repair the screen under the cracked screen repair program? 



I would absolutely agree with all of the posts here.  Verizon in general is a complete scam, and im regretting every day that i left sprint.  Im paying 2x as much, and the service quality is marginally better, sometimes worse.  But what really set me off is when i tried to get a repair on the rear camera glass.  I was told i have to replace the entire device, then learned i have to pay $200 for a replacement!!!!   I am paying $15 a month,  so over the course of 2 years , i will have spent $360 on insurance, if you factor in the replacement cost, im at $560!!!  thats almost half of the device.  The deductible alone is 20% of the value. If you would compare an auto insurance deductible on a 30k car (often $1000), thats just a fraction of the overall cost - 3%.  I will not be purchasing insurance again,  and will not be going with Verizon again.
