Lots of Juice left in the Tank!

Just Looked at the Battery Levels in Droid Maxx since pulling it off of it's charger.. It's went so far 1-Day,  1-Hour, 53min., 22-sec. and it still has 70% yet in the Tank to go I think next to What my Razr Maxx use to do that is Pretty darn good..

Have been doing some Testing and will continue.. One test I conducted was when i was playing Madden25 done for Quite some time and the Battery Held it own Quite well.. Now will try Blue Tooth and Music Listening Test..

One thing I'm thinking of buying for this phone is a Wireless Charger, what to see how it charges compared to Corded charger.. If anybody has this type of charger and is having good results in using it let me know.. Thanks b33

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