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Moto Z Battery Drainage after Upgrade
Enthusiast - Level 2

My husband & I have been long-time (as in years) customers of Verizon. I "upgraded" my husband's phone a couple years ago with the Moto Z and it worked fine until the dreaded 8 upgrade installed a few months ago. He has since suffered with a ridiculous battery drainage that there is apparently no remedy for. He has done all of the suggested fixes twice now that don't do anything. We have contacted Verizon & Motorola only to be told there's nothing they can do. Really? We're still paying on this stupid, non-proper working phone and can't afford to get another one and that's the answer? I want to see this taken care of for us and the thousands of other users that are having to deal with this nonsense. I want to see Verizon forcing Motorola to fix this for us OR for Verizon to take the high road and replace these phones with working ones. And Verizon, please do not respond to this with the pat answer I've read on so many other threads. Fix this problem now before there's a class action lawsuit against you and Motorola. This is ridiculous & such bad PR for both companies.

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8 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We understand wanting to have this issue with your device resolved, womanofgod. Do you know if this device is still under warranty?



Enthusiast - Level 2

No, the device is not still under warranty yet we're still paying for it. It's practically useless and shuts down (battery drains) all day long. My husband will try to make a call and it shuts down. He tries to answer a call and it often shuts down. After being fully charged. The battery seems to drain very quickly just like hundreds of other people. Verizon and/or Motorola needs to make this right. It's not okay. That's his only phone.

Customer Service Rep



I first want to extend my appreciation for your years of loyalty within the Verizon family and rest assured, you've come to the right place for assistance. Having a proper battery life is critical, and since this is your husband's only phone, we want to ensure he can communicate as necessary. As a fellow user of the device, I can speak to the unfortunate troubles I had with my update as well, and I went through many troubleshooting steps to resolve my concerns without having to replace out the device. The fix for me was going through a Factory Data Reset. I know this may not be the most pleasant sounding path, but I'm confident this will be the best route to take as well as streamlining the troubleshooting process for you since I understand your sense of urgency.


First, I want to make sure his information has been backed up recently. Using the link here: you will see that bullet numbers five and six will assist you in backing up content before going through this reset. Second, you'll see the same link will provide the instructions on how to perform the reset once the data has been successfully backed up. Upon completion, please let us know the changes you see in the phone's behavior.

We look forward to hearing of your success with these steps!


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hello Ryan, while I appreciate your thorough and nice response, it is not new. My husband was already told to do those things when it first happened and, in fact, has now reset his phone TWICE with no changes. It works fine when plugged in and charging but once removed from the charger, the battery dies within 10 minutes!!! Every. Single. Day. For months now.

Customer Service Rep

We are sorry to read that your husband is having so much trouble with his phone keeping a charge. Have you tried to use different chargers with the device and see if you get a different result? 



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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Come on already! Yes, he's used two different chargers. We are among hundreds, if not thousands, of Verizon customers who purchased Motorola phones through VERIZON who are having these horrible issues since the last Motorola update. This is something that VERIZON needs to head up since Motorola isn't doing the honorable thing and admitting there's a problem that impacts the users of their phones on VERIZON'S service! My husband cannot use his phone reliably since the last update, again like so many others. This is not new. We've done everything Verizon & Motorola have suggested with no relief. We're still paying VERIZON for this basically unusable phone that nobody will claim responsibility for. My 20 years of Verizon is fixing to come to an end and we are seriously looking at other providers over this issue. Do not give me generic, same old, same old answers & questions. If you're unable & unwilling to make this right, then you've willing to lose a 20 year customer. Again, one of many it sounds like.

Customer Service Rep

You're very valued to us, and we would never want to lose you, womanofgod. It's our top priority to ensure your husband has a working device, and we will do everything in our hands to help. We have sent a private message to you regarding this situation. Please reply to the message to better assist. 


Follow us on TWITTER @VZWSupport
If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

Jump on the Extended Warranty (Open Enrollment ends 11/25/2018) and have your device repaired/replaced.