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Moto Z Force Droid extreme battery drain since Oreo update
Enthusiast - Level 3

Recently, my Moto Z Force Droid finally received the long promised 8.0 Oreo update. And, like many, many others, Oreo has rendered my Z Force phone basiclly useless due to a ridiculously fast battery drain, even when the phone is sitting idle with the screen off. Just a week or so ago, before the trainwreck that is Android 8, the battery would last in standby mode for days, and would easily last an entire day of my "normal" amount of use. Now, when idle with the screen off the battery drains from 100% to 0 in less than seven hours, and if I actually try to use the phone the battery life drops to under two hours. This is unacceptable.  Personally, I think it's time for Lenovo and Verizon to step up and admit they totally messed things  up with this update, and either release a downgrade back to Android 7, or, if the rumors are true that the Oreo update did in fact damage these phones, replace all affected Moto Z Force Droids free of charge.

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401 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello, Looneyman. We want you to love your device. You can find some of the more common solutions to many issues here: . If you sign in, it will track all steps completed on your account if further assistance is needed. 


Enthusiast - Level 2

battery drain.jpgI hav done a factory reset per the "tech guy at Verizon" that I think made it worse.  I can't even open the camera up to take a picture if it is not plugged in!  I can't do anything unless it is plugged in.  My phone is NOT paid off and I am thinking about going to an Iphone as much as I HATE them but this has made me so mad.  My phone is useless unless it is plugged in Smiley Sad 

Enthusiast - Level 2

I was forced to buy a new phone -not a moto-as my moto was also useless due to the update causing battery drain.   The sales rep at Verizon said they have had four or five people, at least, with the same problem and all but one had to buy a new phone.  The lone one had a warranty and they got a free โ€overnightedโ€ replacement. something is definitely rotten in the state of Denmark and it will be interesting to see if the Verizon customer support people figure that one out !!!

Customer Service Rep

We are truly sorry to read about your battery problems. I know how important it is to have a long battery life on our phones. The are no reports or known issues as of right now with the device. Ronald, have you tried restarting the phone in Safe Mode? This will tell us if there is an app causing the issue. Also, if the software update didn't installed correctly, we might need to do a factory reset. Here are the steps to restart in safe mode:  If this helps, then the battery issue is related to the installed apps.


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

So after the latest factory reset, and disabling as many of the stock apps that I could, the battery now lasts an astounding ten to twelve hours when totally idle, and just under four hours under use. This from a phone that I used to use as my full time phone, that I sometimes charged at night, if I remembered to plug it in, and which used to last a fair amount of the day if I was letting one of my children stream videos from sites like YouTube, or play games with it.

Something has definitely gone very wrong with the Android 8 update, I'm guessing that absent another update to fix whatever is going on the only option left is a warranty replacement, because right now this phone is nothing but a very expensive paperweight.

Customer Service Rep

Hello Looneyman! Our main goal is to provide you with a reliable device. Please review the battery life tips in the link below, we also suggest you to exit or close applications not in use, turn off WiFi when not available:


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

The question that I can't seem to get an answer to is why exactly would I, and a lot of other people who own this model Motorola, all of sudden need to be reviewing battery saving tips post-Oreo, when we didn't have any battery drain issues pre-Oreo? What was changed in the update that is causing battery drain to be 4x - 8x greater? And what, if any, damage is this increased rate of drain causing to the battery/processor? The fact that Verizon and Lenovo push these updates on customers, then refuse to allow a firmware rollback when something goes wrong, puts the collective responsibility for any adverse effects 100% on the both of them. I paid a lot of money for this phone, and I expect that either the battery drain issue will be resolved, or Verizon/Lenovo can replace my phone with a pre-Oreo model.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Mine is doing the same thing,. Will only work if plugged in and no one will help solve this problem

Customer Service Rep



We understand the frustration of dealing with tech issues. We want nothing more than your phone to run smoothly with optimal battery life. As this thread has several troubleshooting steps posted, what have you completed in terms of troubleshooting? Have you completed a factory reset? Has there been any physical or liquid damage on your device?


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Factory reset doesn't fix anything stop procrastinating on the issue. It's a problem go have it fixed instead of patronising us like we have no idea about these devices.

Customer Service Rep

We appreciate you reaching out and understand your concern with the battery issue, BIGDRAUSE. Just to ensure we are on the same page, when the factory reset was completed were the same applications loaded back onto the device? 


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

do you even understand how electronics and software work together?  Verizon keeps asking these same stupid questions that beat around the bush.  Same phone, Same Apps, Same Carrier, Same Data, Same Case, Same Charger Cable.  The ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THE FACT THE PHONE WAS UPDATED TO OREO! How many people on this board is going to have to say the exact same thing.  all that needs to be done is for Verizon to contact the manufacture and report the system bug to intern have another OTA update to fix this issue but the moderators in the thread seem incompetent to escalate the problem so this can happen.  Other carriers and phones are starting to look pretty good because Its not like I'm getting a discount on my bill for the problems with my phone that the carriers ota update is making

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Enthusiast - Level 2

Oh yeah just in case you were wondering i also have the same Screen protector I had before the update.  I know that sounds stupid but so does the moderators questions about our phones

Enthusiast - Level 3

Also, it is important to note here as well, with myself being a victim of the Oreo drop of 6/2018, the key word here is My, as in, MY PHONE. I am purchasing my phone. I am not leasing or is mine, I own it. I am sick,  and tired, of being told what to do by this phone, the phone company, and the manufacturer. I have an "update " pending right now at this very minute, a "security patch'..yeah way in heck..the only way to clear the notification, on MY phone, is to turn the dang thing off and on. Curses curses curses!!! FIX THESE ISSUES VERIZON AND SAMSUNG!!!

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Customer Service Rep

BIGDRAUSE, we understand the urgency of finding a solution. We are and want to get this figured out for you. I have sent a Private Message we do ask that you reply to that message.


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Has there been ANY resolution to this issue ?

Somehow my phone updated to Android 8.0.0 Oreo on November 14th.

My phone worked JUST FINE before the update.



Customer Service Rep

We totally understand were you are coming from, Looneyman.  We certainly would like to help and review what available options. Also, besides the update, do you recall recent changes, new applications download, physical damage to your device? Keep us posted.

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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

"do you recall recent changes, new applications download, physical damage to your device?"

And, No.

As I explained in a previous comment, this phone was only being used as a spare/emergency device. For the most part it would be sitting in it's holder, either fully powered down, or idle with the screen off, until the battery was drained, at which point I would plug it in to charge. Pre-Oreo that could take days at least, sometimes even longer if no one touched the phone at all. Now, post-Oreo, I have a several years old Samsung Galaxy SIII that has a longer lasting battery. There was an OTA update that seemed to improve things slightly for idle drain, but under what I would consider normal use the battery is still draining from 100% to dead within a few hours if I'm lucky.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Donโ€™t you just love the exact same responses back and forth......time for Motorola or who ever issued the faulty update to admit it. 

Enthusiast - Level 3

NO DOUBT! tired of the same terrible questions they know it's no right make it right!

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