Moto Z Force sound
Enthusiast - Level 1

The sound of my ringer and notification sound are barely audible.  I have all the volume options turned way up is there something else I can do to make my phone louder?

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29 Replies

I am guessing there is either something not turned up or you may have a defective ringer. A trip to a Verizon store may solve the problem or they would possibly get you started on a warranty replacement. If  you are within 14 days of purchase, they will likely just give you a new device.

Enthusiast - Level 2

This is a gift that came with the latest security update which also included some sound upgrades do to some popping noise on some phones. Now we have low notification volume and what appears to be a long delay in ringer sound. I have not gotten anywhere with moto on this issue yet, let alone verizon.

Customer Service Rep


We want your notifications to be heard loud and clear. Let's get to the bottom of this. You mentioned that this came with a security update on your device, when did that take place? Can you please describe what you mean when you say 'long delay in ringer sound'? We are eager to get to the bottom of this!

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Enthusiast - Level 2

These issues started immediately following the ota security update that included some enhancements, according to the change log, for the moto z and z force. The issue is that the notification volume is 1/2 what it used be, if not less, and the ringer issue. Now for texts and calls I have vibration turned on, when I receive a call it vibrates about 2 times before the ring tone can be heard. If I was to hold the speaker to my ear I would be able to faintly hear it till it suddenly ramps up to full volume.

All other sound is fine, music, video etc.

I have done 2 complete factory resets, from scratch, no saved app data. I have thoroughly tested these problems in safe mode , I have spoken with moto tech support who promptly put the blame in Googles lap, I have spoken to Google tech support.

I am not the only one experiencing this issue. I love the phone, but it appears that anyone who has done the update on their phone is having these issues. The ring delay is an issue, but not as big of an issue as the notification volume.


Enthusiast - Level 2

So, how's the latest software update coming. Any information at all?


Has anyone come up with a fix for this? My phone is 2 days old and wish I didn't do the update. This notification volume issue has been known for sometime. I can't believe it is a problem at the end of Nov. into Dec. What good is this phone if you cant hear your messages being announced.

Enthusiast - Level 2

This problem exists on every Verizon Moto Z Force in existance since a software update around Aug/Sep 2016. Notification sounds have become so low as to be useless and cannot be turned up by any means. Also, the ringtone for phone calls has an "escalating volume" feature that starts almost silent for the first several seconds, which many people find annoying. Basically a $720 phone has been made useless and Verizon nor Motorola/Lenovo seem to care. Many frustrated owners are returning their phones.

Please refer to the 30+ pages of desperate owners on this Lenovo (Motorola) community forum:

Enthusiast - Level 2

Desperate owners are resorting to 3rd party apps to help mitigate this glaring failure. Since Verizon and Motorola/Lenovo have ignored the owners of these $720 flagship devices though multiple follow-up software updates (inclduing Nougat 7.0), these may be the only solutions for now:

Missed call reminder - Android Apps on Google Play

MegaSound - Android Apps on Google Play

Owners discuss their various success with these apps to mitigate this complete disaster.

Quiet notifications moto z - Page 28 - Lenovo Community

Enthusiast - Level 3

Yes, Verizon needs to put some pressure on Lenovo to get this problem fixed. The only reason I am not returning our phone is because we got it for $5.00 a month, plus the 2 moto mods for free. For now, we are resorting to keep the stereo mod attached to the phone so that the text messages are audible. But this is highly inconvenient and we cannot use the Otterbox we bought from Verizon.

If I didn't have to go into Amish country so often (where Verizon is the only carrier that has service), I would be strongly considering switching to another carrier. "Verizon Exclusive" $700.00 phone that cannot even get the basic volume of a text message to work.

The whole escalating volume thing is super annoying as well. The best part is, you can't undo the updates to go back to how the phone originally was when we first got it.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Update: The app MacroDroid is the best workaround found so far, it is free and definitely works when set up properly (and does a ton of other helpful stuff too). The key is to set up a macro properly (Trigger: Notification; Action: Play a Sound) - then, in the app general Settings, you need to set sounds to play through as "Media".

MacroDroid - Device Automation - Android Apps on Google Play

Quiet notifications moto z - Page 29 - Lenovo Community

Verizon, where are you, any updates on a real fix??


Lenovo nor Verizon are planning a fix for this poorly written hard coded phone. We all have just boarded another sinking flagship.

Lenovo's software coders know of the problem and could easily fix this ridiculous issue. It goes much deeper than just sending an OTA out to fix the 10's of thousand of unfortunate owners of the droid line of phones. Most of the apps don't really fix the volume issue but rather put an already bleeding bandaid on it which over time will interfere with you're battery optimization features build in the phone. If you're lucky to be tech savvy, just root your phone and edit the ring code the same as the media code. There have been a few reports on  social on how to do this. But be warned even many tech-savvy guys have bricked their new phone. What many don't know is at their phone is not really bricked there is a back door to bring that phone back alive easily but many don't know it. So for now just get used to it the way it is and use the help hardware sound fix and make it part of your life or like many while they're driving down the road they throw their phone out forget about it and move on with there life. Good luck to all


Mine was that way when new.  Got a update on 9/24/2016 and all notifications are louder.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I am glad your problem seems fixed, you're the first person I've heard of, who has installed the most recent security update, have the problem fixed afterwards. This whole thing is odd. I am hoping your phone continues to have no more issues.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Yes my Moto z force is similar except hardly can hear person I'm talking to and music is also VERY low almost like 1/4 to 1/2 volume at full volume setting

Enthusiast - Level 3

We have been running Macrodroid, and it works well as a temporary solution. The problem with this though, is that you now have to remember to turn down your media audio if you want your phone on silent.

And I 2nd this: Where are you, Verizon, to give an answer to us about this?


It is insane that this issue still is not resolved. This is a major issue. I'm on 7.0  & November 1, 2016 security patch. Notification volume is barely audible.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Update, Motorola/Lenovo have a software update that is being reported as having a fix for this issue. Currently it is being rolled out OTA for "unlocked moto z models only" this leads me to assume that we are now playing the waiting game for Verizon testing before we will see it.

On another more important note regarding customer service, I would have expected Verizon to have provided this information to all of us!!! But as we all know that is just not verizons style. If it wasn't for their great coverage and cell service there is no way in [Removed] this company would still be in business!

Thank you verizon for keeping us informed and up to date!


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Community Leader
Community Leader

Motorola has to write the code and submit it for final testing approval. There was an update released on 12/28/2016. Moto Z Droid Edition and Moto Z Force Droid Edition Software Update | Verizon Wireless

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Obviously Motorola has written the code as they have been pushing it out to the unlocked moto z for 3 days now. So now we must be waiting on Verizon to test it and verify it before pushing it out to us. (That is a good thing) but I think it would have been helpful to receive an update from a Verizon official, in this thread, concerning the status of such.

The latest update from Verizon that you mention is security updates.

Community Leader
Community Leader

There will never be a statement from a Verizon official until the update is ready to be released. Even if Motorola has already submitted the update, the testing process could result in failure causing the update to be returned to Motorola for debugging and fix why it failed. If Verizon or Motorola announced prematurely when a update was coming and the testing process failed to get completed and approved by that date it would be a liability to both companies. That's why they will only say an update is in the works and never when to expect it until it is ready.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.
