Moto Z2 Play Photos


Where can I find anything on how to even use the silly photos in the phone.  I seems next to impossible to create a folder/album and then move a picture already on your phone into that album.  I have ZERO interest in uploading to the 'cloud'.  I'm just wanting to organize my photos.  Why does it have to be so hard.  I wish I still had my Samsung.

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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Organizing my photos is important to me too. This can be done in the Photo App. Tap on Photo> Tap the Menu (three dots upper right corner)> Tap on Album under Create New.



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Disregard.  I found my answer at the Verizon site.  If I could rate this phone on a scale of 1-10 I'd probably give it a 2 or 3 only because it is so difficult to use.  It is not very user intuitive.  It seems like rather than do things the way they have always been done they change things just for the sake of change thinking that this is so much better.  Sorry they really missed the mark on this one.  I have to think really hard about ever buying a Moto phone ever again.  Samsung seems to have a handle on the whole thing.  I was a tech for over 33 years and I've never been so frustrated by an electronic device before.  It shouldn't be this hard.  Most devices (Samsung) are so simple you almost don't even need to look at the user manual to do simple things.


A perfect example of what I'm referring is when you plug this phone in there is no indication that it is plugged in other than the lightning bolt in the battery.  My old Samsung beeped to tell you it was plugged in.  If the Moto Z2 does it they've gone to great troubles to find out where to turn that audio prompt on.  Terrible.