My is the Turbo Charging feature NOT working?
Enthusiast - Level 1

And before a Verizon rep comes on here and asks questions out of the textbook, please read the following:

Charging port is not damaged

Will not turbo charge on safe mode OR when turned off

Will not turbo charge while the device is on

Replacement phone received February 11, original phone did the same thing

Car charger, manufacturer supplied wall charger and Verizon supplied 2 piece wall charger all work

No third party apps installed

Has been factory reset today

When attached to wall charger, actually loses charge

No apps are open

Yes I know the phone is still under warranty

Yes ive tried different wall outlets

Cleared the cache in storage under settings

Unplugged it, turned it off and plugged back in doesn't not work

So I might be forgetting one or two things, so please Verizon.....anything I missed out of the playbook??

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