Phone randomly rebooting for no apparent reason
Enthusiast - Level 2

Yesterday my phone started randomly rebooting. No apparent reason. No physical damage. No recent software changes that I am aware of. I have auto-update of apps turned off. Verizon store could not explain it. Forced soft reset did not fix the problem. It happens continually with a reboot, operates for a bit, then instantly shuts off and begins rebooting again until the battery is completely drained away. On the Droid Razr Maxx there is no way to remove the integrated battery so this means it goes until the phone is dead. Seriously overheating it in the process. What do I do?

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2 Replies

That means that your have to Power cycle the phone by other means, you Hold your Lower Volume and Power button same time for 20 sec till the phone powers off then let go of the Buttons that is the same as a Battery pull and power button hold..

If the solution I suggestion doesn't render the issue then run a system cache clear.. if the issue still persist then you'll have to run a Factory Reset.!   Hope this Helps b33

Enthusiast - Level 2

The power cycle is what I referred to as a forced soft reset. Does not fix.

I tried the flush of the system cache. Does not fix it.

It took some time to be able to copy off the phone data in the 8GB of internal memory during the brief time the phone is available prior to the next reboot cycle. Afterwards I did a complete factory reset. Does not fix it.

After the factory reset it takes the phone a few minutes to initialize itself. But the phone reboots itself before this phase can complete. I have tried at least 20 times to see if I can get lucky and have it finish before the next random reboot cycle. No success. So now I have a completely wiped phone that can not even get to the home screen.

I have taken excellent care of my phone. Doesn't get dropped. Spent most of its life in my pocket. No misuse of any kind. It does not seem right for it to just stop working for no reason like this. Is there a way to get Verizon/Motorola to refurbish or replace it?