Razr M transfer issues?
Enthusiast - Level 2

Last week I got a newer (maybe refurbished) Razr M smartphone to replace my old one that had battery charge issues

1) I was told all my apps would transfer over once I had my Google email account back. Not true, I am missing several apps

2) I had backup contact support. The store rep said that she had successfully transferred my numbers over. Nope , this list looks to be from 2012 and is missing a lot of key numbers

3) When I do a Cloud backup from Verizon wireless.com no contacts are transferred over???

4) The worst. I am constantly getting a warning message "Sorry, we can't connect to the Cloud service at this time. Please make sure you have a data connection (YES) and try again."

I got threatening messages from Verizon to return my old phone or I would get charged $500. I mailed the old phone back on 8.13.14 but now I want to know if I can get the contacts from that phone retrieved to the Cloud so I don't lose 2 years of key phone contacts.

Tried to connect with a tech online. Nope that won't work.

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6 Replies
Master - Level 2

As long as u used the same Gmail account for play store just go into it hit menu and go to all tab in my apps. You should see your history.  Normally when you connect to WiFi they start loading but you may have to load them back from that section.  For the contacts did you try bua+? To get the cloud going try going into app Mgr find cloud and force stop clear data then open the app get signed in and hit 3 lines on top left go to tool and hit content restore

Enthusiast - Level 2


1) I can now see all of the apps that are not reloaded so I guess I have to re-add them from Play Store

2) I don't know what bua+? is> I did try to clear the Could App data but the Cloud warning/data message still comes and the contact backup fails. Looks like the store rep really screwed up my old contact transfer. All I can see is Google email addresses but I have lost years of Verizon backup information because of her. Hope I can retrieve if the return service does not destroy my old phone's data.

This totally sucks. I appreciate your suggestions though.

Master - Level 2

Backup assistance plus Bua it should be listed in settings under accounts try running that to see if you get the more recent contacts

Enthusiast - Level 2

thanks, Tried that already. After I tried to have a store rep do my transfer, I no longer have contacts online at verizonwireless.com (though I did before my new phone was set up) or on any backup Verizon accounts. Today it says 0 contacts. All she did was transfer my google email address. Useless. I will go to a Verizon store tomorrow and hope they can trace and check out my old phone but suddenly years of phone data is not accessible to me.

I did get additional advice about the Google apps so they are getting re-installed. The Cloud setup is still a mess.

Master - Level 2

OK if they were online at vzw then don't worry. 1. It takes some time for cloud to provision after changing decives. 2. If they are truly gone and don't come back vzw can open a ticket to get old contacts back in your online account.  Sometimes they get moved to the trash can online also. For me I have them in Gmail and  gcloud app for,  memory card just in case these troubles occur. So once you get them back export to Gmail from vzw then you just have to sync in gmail

Customer Service Rep


Sorry to see that transition between devices was not as seemless and painfree as it should have been. In order for contacts to be restored they would first need to be successfully backed up. That's one critical piece of information we do not have but we can still see if we might be able to get them back.

Let's see if there might be a simple reason for the missing contacts. Go to your "People" app and touch the apps "menu" button (the 3 dots stacked on top of each other in the lower right corner). Touch "Contacts to display" and make sure it is set to display all contacts. If something else was selected change it to display all. Did the missing contacts come back? If not press the apps menu button again and then select "Backup Assistant Contacts" and initiate a sync. Check the contacts again.

You mentioned an error message with the Cloud. So we know, did your media sync successfully? Try resetting the cloud app: http://vz.to/1qioM8H .

You wrote that you did not get your apps back but did add the gmail account used on the prior device. (I would recommend connecting to Wi-Fi before trying the following) Go to the Play Store and touch that apps menu button (looks like three lines in the upper left) and select "My apps." Up on top touch "All." This should give you a list of all of your apps associated with your gmail account. Just select the ones you want restored to the device and reinstall those applications.

Hope that helps,

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