Real Racing 3 App Update.. Killed my Phone.!


I was updating my Droid Maxx to the latest update provided by EA sports Using Wi-Fi as these Apps Tend to Require the update was at 98% and would not proceed any further, a message popped up requiring that I try re-updating the app I tried but the same message popped up so I cleared the racing app and some other apps that were on the phone, by doing the finger swipe to the right  they were cleared out so after doing that I wanted make sure my Wi-Fi was doing it's job and I was ok'd of that when I tapped one of my weather apps, it uploaded the maps with no issues..

So once again I tried running the update since I figured my Wi-Fi was running smoothly and once again it wouldn't go any further than 98% so I tried power cycling my phone the phone shut Down came back on got to Motorola and would not proceed any further I tried running the Boot Recovery an to No avail it would not go any further so, I'm having a new Unit sent out to me..

I guess what happens is attest to software sometimes they load up smooth and Correct, and there are times they drop the ball and causes chaos in the phone in which Deems the phone useless.

Will have have my new Droid Maxx Wed..

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You know "B" it is the same with personal computers.

In the old days your update was buying the new disks or CD ROM and it cost money for them to update those programs.

I remember a racing game that came preinstalled on my desktop and it stuttered and was slow and the man talking sounded like that Max Headroom show. To get the fix the device maker charged for the update disks/CD it is no different today.

You load an app on your phone can be paid or free, it interacts with the operating system, it doesn't play nice on your phone with other apps. Then you get a dead phone.

Its a bummer but its a risk that owners take. Hopefully the replacement device will work as it should. But remember those refurbished units are junk. You are getting another persons problem. I hope it all works out for you.

Good Luck


Thanks Big E.. I appreciate the reply..  I hope as well I don't get a piece.. I sent my thoughts to EA what I thought about this new update & what it done to my phone I kept my words clean but it was hard not too.. The Tear 2 tech I talked to for about 2 hours said he had a LG G2 his personal it went bad after updating to Kit Kat something in the screens got messed up, he had to go through the same process I had to, he was one of the Tech Guys that worked for Alltel out the Little Rock call center he's been in the same Dept. for the Last 6 or 7 I think he said..

My new Maxx will be at our Door Wed. sometime in the Afternoon..


Big E.. Droid Maxx No.3 is out of the Verizon facility and is on it way.

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I hope it has no issues for you.

I never use second hand devices. I like buying all new.

god only knows what the issues were that had the last owner trade it in.

Don't believe that 100 point check, that is just a line they hand you.

Good Luck B


Will you buy me a new one just kidding.. If was to were I could of got one paid the full retail price I would've thought a second more about it)  I'd been at the Local Verizon when the doors opened.. but.. you know how it is..


Big E an Tiki got my New Maxx doing some inspecting on it,  Battery was at 98% whee took 5min to Top if off at 100%  all in all Looking over it so far so good..  I don't think I can keep my pictures from the one I'm sending back unless I can pull them off onto my computer.!  as for Transferring my phone book that'll be a breeze I'll use my Google account but the new phone didn't come with a Sim Card so I'll have to use the one that is in the Maxx I'm sending back..

course I have a spare nano sim  if I need it. be back in bit, b

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Glad it worked out. If the one that is toast had a Sim I would just pop that in.

It was the phone that was toasted not your Sim correct?


K   I'm hoping it was the was phone and not the Sim,  I looked over really close and It looks  Big E  like they sent me a Brand new Unit the Date on the back shows

MOT  ***** 09/ 10 / 14 which I Guess means it was put into inventory on 10 of this month.. that's pretty Good but It's probably a 16GB which is ok I guess.

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Wow! You are the luckiest person when it comes to getting new devices


Big E old  Droid Maxx  is ready for it's Ride back to Texas boogie back Texas... pictures taken notes made..

Maxx No 2 Heading Back to Texas.jpg


Big E 20 some hours later ran the phone through some test still doing good battery is at 68% O and she's running on kitty Kat 4.4.4 the only thing I miss from my old Maxx is retrieving the picturesSmiley Sad I had it on it.. b

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Next time, an automatic photo backup option will help prevent the loss of the photos.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


K thank you.. I had about 50 ta 60 pictures, what i had most of were Wallpapers but I think i can get them all back since they were with Zedge...


Big E  my Droid Maxx was Delivered  Sept. 30 today at 3:47AM at the Texas Verizon Return Center,  and get this Verizon sent me Text saying to Avoid the the $500 Mail ->>  back the unit  but if mailed disregard the Text.  so it's there.

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Just make sure you printed that all out. *Before* they try and say that first it was not received, secondly it was received but it is broken, third the unit has water damage and in all these cases they put that $500 on your Verizon invoice. (All these things as you know customers have been posting about)

I hope it all works out. And not have to go through hell after.


Yup I know.!  I took some pictures like the one I posted.. I sealed the box like it was sealed when I received it put the label on the side of the box.. And I'll try and snap a screen shot of the Tracking History on my computer it's been a while since i used the screen shot feature on my computer kind of forgot how we'll try though..

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Hit the PRT SCN button.

It will be saved as a jpg to clipboard.

Open a photo editor and select paste.

There it will be.


That's it.. thanks big E.. been a while since doing that Smiley Happy b

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No problem!


Big E just got the Text message the Verizon facility Fort Worth received my Droid Maxx.. Now I guess we see what follows b