Since Android 7.0 update, my Moto Z Force keeps freezing and then rebooting

This has started happening recently, since the latest updates occurred. I will be in the middle of entering in a Google search, or writing an Email or text, and the phone will freeze.  Then it reboots itself.  Sometimes the phone just reboots itself for no reason.

Just wondering if others are having this problem, and if so, how it can be fixed.

The last updates to my phone are

5/24/17 NCLS25.86 --11-4-6-8

5/25/17 NCL25.86-11.4

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2 Replies

I have Moto Z in about two weeks after I got it it started to reboot and then maybe once a week told them at the store about it they said there's a fix and progress it will come in and upload or so I waited so I got the update and then after the update not reboots constantly randomly during phone calls during streaming video during text messaging just anytime for any reason deleted all my text messages on my apps factory reset don't let any apps at all any third-party apps none just what's comes with the phone and it still reboots voice my concerns with Verizon Samsung Motorola and to no avail they don't have an answer I've sent the phone in 3 times now if gave me a new phone each time and it's the same issue I don't understand

Verizon Employee

ACANFIEL and Remrawssa,

I personally wouldn't be able to function with phone issues. I rely on my phone too much. We will be happy to help you guys. After further research, it's not a known issue for any of the Moto Z line up to freeze especially with the recent software update. This could possibly application related. Let's figure this out. What kind of case or protective cover do you have on your phone? Please perform a device health check using the My Verizon. Here's a great link: View Device Health Check - MVD - Android | Verizon Wireless . Keep us posted.


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