The only app that will run is Google Chrome and non-internet using apps.

My Droid is almost 2 years old and has been working perfectly.  I just received a notification that I would be eligible for an upgrade in May, along with contract renewal.  Three days later, my phone will NOT connect to any internet-based apps, such as: Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Imgur, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.  However, Google Chrome is working perfectly, with the exception of any "mobile-based" sites.  For example, I can log in to my Facebook account and browse as long as it is not the mobile version of the site.  Does anyone have any answers as to why this would be happening?  I haven't been able to locate any answers.  Thank you in advance!

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Enthusiast - Level 3

Because I still believe they are watching you.  Why else can you try any phone at the verizon store and they all work great, and fast. But bring them home and several weeks later you get problems?


The answer I received was to do a hard reset on my phone.   I won't be completing the reset until either late tonight, or tomorrow (Saturday).  So if anyone has any advice before then, please let me know! haha

Customer Service Rep


While we wish we could keep an eye out so we always knew when our assistance is needed, we don't have access to seeing or knowing it all. Nonetheless, we're here to help you anytime you call or message. This type of behavior happens when the applications removed/stopped when troubleshooting, but then re-added to the phone at some point. To ensure this doesn't happen again, we suggest a factory reset without restoring previous content and when you need to download apps, do so one at a time allowing a few hours in between downloads to test how the phone reacts.

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Customer Service Rep

That's definitely strange, kzmidge. I want a working phone in your hands though. I noticed you mentioned you received the suggestion to complete a reset. Did you already do that? Is it working again? Are you receiving an error message?

If you hesitated a little longer to complete the reset, you can try to place your phone into Safe Mode and see if you can access mobile sites from your browser. This mode will stop 3rd party applications from running, so you won't be able to use the apps you mentioned but we may be able to narrow down the trouble in Safe Mode. If the mobile sites work, that means the trouble may be in a recently downloaded application and you may be able to avoid the reset my uninstalling some of your more recently installed applications. If it's still giving you trouble, the reset is the next best step.


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