Unable to update My Verizon App on Moto Z 4

I am unable to access My Verizon App as it tells me to update it to use it. When I go to update it, it keeps telling me "something went wrong," and I am unable to update it. My phone's software is up to date. I've restarted the device in normal mode and in safe mode. I've cleared the data/cache on the app. I'm at a loss as to what I should do as I use the app pretty regularly.

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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

We want you to have the ability to access and manage your My Verizon account with the app on your phone. Have you tried to update it in a different way, like pulling up the Play Store app, and updating from there? What happens if you uninstall the app, then reinstall it? Please try those steps and let us know how it goes. 
