Used to Love my Droid Razr... not anymore!
Enthusiast - Level 2

Since I've received the 4.4.2 update, I have the following issues:

1) I cannot connect to my VERIZON WIFI at home with my VERIZON phone.  I was able to connect once, left the house and came back to it not being connected.

2) My Words with Friends flickers after I submit a move.

3) My shortcut button on the locked screen to silence my ringer or turn on my ringer is no longer there.  Now I have to unlock the phone to change my ringer.

4) Text messaging is all one color now, so it's hard to discern my messages from the person I'm messaging with.

5) My camera has about a 10 second delay now when I take a picture.  It's out of focus because it's hard to hold the camera still for this long.

6) And I'm wondering who decided white icons was better than blue icons.

7) I put in a colon and a parentheses and I do not get a smily face.  Now I'm forced to use the smiley icons, which seem juvenile.

I am so disappointed with the update.  I bought the droid razr because it was an easy phone to use.  I don't see any benefit to this upgrade.  Unfortunately, I am under contract for 10 more months, so I'm stuck with this phone for now.  

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Enthusiast - Level 2

I can't figure out how to edit my post to add that my battery no longer lasts a full day.  I am doing nothing different today than I was doing on the 23rd of may before this update.  Why should I have to take drastic measures to get my phone to work how it did before this update?  I see the techs say to do a soft reset, a hard reset, change this, change that.... how about I get the old software back?