Why won't my Droid RAZR MAXX do a system upgrade?
Enthusiast - Level 1

I go to Settings: About phone: System updates. It shows that I have an upgrade 98.72.165.en.US. I click Start Download. It downloads, shuts phone off then shows it downloading on the screen but if stops after about 1/4 of the way. Then a window pops up saying the download failed. This same thing happened last year when I got this phone from my son. He even called VZN then and was told that they were still working out the bugs for the upgrade to these Motorola phones. Hasn't that issue been taken care of? Let me know what I need to do to upgrade my phone please.

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6 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

I have the same problem, but based on all the problems people have been having with this latest update, I feel like my phone is doing me a favor by refusing to install the update.

Customer Service Rep

Hi just1dot- Let's make sure you are able to benefit from all the cool new features of the update! It is possible a 3rd party application is conflicting with the download. Try starting the device in Safe Mode and test again: http://vz.to/1ktAXjE

Thank you,

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Enthusiast - Level 1

Thank you. So I went to Safe Mode. Then I went to try to upgrade but when I click on System Upgrades, it tells me that it "is unavailable at this time. Try again later". My next question is: Once I'm in Safe Mode, how do I find the installation file so I can see if it will download?  Thanks again.

Customer Service Rep


Thanks for trying that out! If you haven't done so, let's go ahead and remove the phone from safe mode. You can do this by just powering the phone off and back on as normal. Once the phone is back up and running are you able try to download the software just on the mobile network. If you have wi-fi turned on, go ahead and turn that off and try the download. Keep us posted.


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Enthusiast - Level 1

Tried it. I've downloaded the file several times. Still won't download. No big deal, I guess. The phone still works fine.

Contributor - Level 3

just1dot you sound like you are truly blessed.  I wish my smart phone was mart enough to refuse the update on its own.  You do not want this fixed.