bluetooth connection with polar A360 and Droid Turbo

I have a Polar A360 watch that needs to be connected to my Droid Turbo by bluetooth.  This process has become impossible, with the devices not pairing and once paired, the next time the phone says it is paired, but the watch just says "searching."  There are many variations of what occurs, but it is difficult to get connected (30 minutes or more of reinstalling and rebooting everything) and after one sync, the next time they are not connected.  Polar says this is a problem with the firmware and referred me to a discussion involving Verizon and Samsung phones that is a lot of finger pointing and a couple of links that just seem to be for installing the latest firmware.  This has gotten worse and worse of=ver the year I have had the watch to the point where it is now useless.  Can Verizon help me with this.  the phone pairs and stays paired with my Ford Focus.

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2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

I know the importance of being able to enjoy your device with the watch. Has the watch ever been able to consistently pair with Turbo? Have you had the opportunity to test the pairing function of the watch with another device?


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If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!


It worked much better when I first got the watch a year ago.  There  were a few false starts in pairing, but once it was paired, that was stable for weeks.  Polar says I should pair through the app, but that doesn't work at all.  Today, just for a change, all my paired devices disappeared, including my car, although it re-paired easily.  Thanks.