razzor maxx problem

went to bed last night and the razor maxx was fine. this morning phone wont turn on and its plugged in. had a white light in the upper left coner for a few minutes then it went out..im a truck driver and no acces to other phones..any suggestions on the problem..

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3 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

Press and hold the vol down rocker and the power key until the m logo appear


When Doing The Soft Reset as junior described above Hold Down the The Power and the Bottom Volume button for at Least 25 seconds to Get a Good Reset!....

Customer Service Rep

Hi malford,

You're in good hands! I have the same phone and have experienced the same! The great news is that this is a very easy fix.
The white light that you're seeing on the Droid Razr Maxx is an indicator that usually means your phone is not receiving enough of a charge to power on efficiently! To fix; simply change the source of the charger. This tends to happen when using a vehicle charger or charging via USB. A standard wall outlet charger should do the trick! Let the phone charge while plugged into the wall for at least an hour or so. You should then be able to power your phone up as normal. If still no response; B33 and junior509 have provided some great tips on soft resetting your phone (thanks)! Hold the volume down while pressing and holding the power key until the Motorola M logo appears (typically 10-25 seconds) I trust this information will prove to be successful; however, please let us know if you need further assistance.

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