sudden battery drain/hot phone
Enthusiast - Level 1

I have a RAZR HD MAXX and have had no problems with battery life until the last 24 hours.  Today, after my phone was sitting in my bag for several hours unused, I realized that the phone was very hot and was down to 34% battery life after only 7.5 hours.  I have not installed any new apps, although I suppose an app may have upgraded.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I tried to follow the "wipe cache partition" instructions on the troubleshooter ( but ended up with a scary droid icon with a triangular warning sign with an exclamation point before I got to the cache wiping step so  then when the phone finally turned on I decided not to try again. 

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5 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

Do you have a SD card installed? My SIII got very hot one day in my pocket. Next thing I noticed was that my photos were not accessible. Turned out my SD card was toast. Don't know if the phone trashed the card or the card went bad and caused the phone to overheat. Either way, it required a new SD card.


It could of been possible that the setting in the Google Playstore was set too Auto update and if that was the case and you had a bunch of apps that needing updated, As they were being updated if that was the case again and being that the phone was in your purse the phone was pulling at it's maximum to allow the update from the towers had it be that the phone was on your desk or to were it had the best signal it may of not got as hot..)  One of the things you can check and or change is the settings in the playstore if have not already change it to update over Wi-Fi only or what I prefer Do not Auto Update apps kind of like updating Windows I do it when i feel the need b33

Customer Service Rep

Hi HDQuizzi,

That's not good! Let's locate your missing battery life. Has there been any liquid or physical damage to the device? Are you using any new charging accessories? Try placing the device in safe mode to see if the battery life improves for 1 day . Keep me posted.

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Enthusiast - Level 1

Thanks everyone for the suggestions.  My SD card seems fine, and my Play Store setting is set to wi-fi only, so I'm still not sure what's going on.  The heat off the battery hasn't happened again, but the battery draining does seem unusually quick.  I did go back to look at what apps had recently updated (3) and uninstalled one app, and uninstalled the update to the other since I can't uninstall it (Audible for Android).

Pamela - I have just placed the phone in safe mode and will let you know tomorrow what happens.


Audible more in likely is a bloatware app..  you can't uninstall it but you can Disable it.. The app is base on Audio Books