I finally got this resolved last Friday. The issue as explained to me was that the offer that I received (which looks to be the same offer most everyone here received) was not meant for current subscribers; it was meant only for new subscribers. So, when I (we) hit "Yes/Submit", the back end processes accepted for me (us) the "proper" offer which, frankly, sucked.
I ultimately submitted a BBB complaint and threatened to go to my state Attorney General to level a fraud complaint. I do know that a very nice woman from Verizon's Executive Relations team called me, explained what had happened, and worked with me to get an acceptable resolution. I do not feel I should have had to escalate as much as I did, but it did get results. Your mileage may very, but don't back down.
If you are still having an issue, my suggestion is to explain to whomever you are speaking to that you received an erroneous offer from Verizon on Good Friday and need this resolved.They SHOULD be aware of the issue now, and SHOULD be rolling out solutions to everyone effected. My faith in Verizon is pretty shattered right now, not so much for the problem (because problems happen) but because of their flippant "can't do anything about it now" attitude. Frankly, the service offerings between Verizon and Comcast (the two providers in my area) are about identical: tv, phone, internet. The only two differences are price and customer support. In this case, Verizon failed on both accounts. I hope they're listening.