Starting off on the wrong foot?
Enthusiast - Level 2
Today is my second day switching over to Verizon FIOS.
Having issues with TV service.

Verizon is sending next day air a replacement DVR unit.

Here are the issues that I've encountered along with a list of performed troubleshooting:
1) green screen of death with DVR
2) DVR saved program freezing during playback
3) playback from STB also freezes randomly during playback
4) error messages accessing DVR from STB, unable to locate error message
5) unable to use iPad app to schedule programs on DVR (resolved)
6) unable to use online Verizon interface to schedule programs (resolved)

DVR : QIP 6416-2
STB : QIP 7100 2

TV : Samsung and Panasonic
Testing Connection scenarios: hdmi / component / optical audio

Living room TV w/ DVR freezing/green screen issues
- removed optical audio, utilized hdmi cable only : failed
- modified settings within DVR video format settings to 1080i, 720p : failed
- changed TV settings to respective format settings as mentioned above : failed
- replaced box with basement STB box : passed (no freezing, no green screen of death)
- Verizon online support for system box troubleshooting, reboot sequence initiated : failed
- DVR on device self help troubleshooting : failed
- called Verizon to assist, bounced unit : failed
- scheduled program prime time ABC channel HD : failed (rebooted during record)
- next day afternoon program NBC HD : failed (rebooted during record)
- basic watching TV green screen of death
- random reboots

Test problematic DVR with basement TV (different model)
- removed optical audio, utilized hdmi cable only : failed
- modified settings within DVR video format settings to 1080i, 720p : failed
- changed TV settings to respective format settings as mentioned above : failed
- called Verizon after 24 hours of initial troubleshooting, decision made to replace box
- basic watching TV green screen of death
- random reboots

Verizon rep reviewed account, asked to test schedule programs online : passed
Attempted to schedule using iPad app : passed
(Unsure what Verizon rep did to resolve issue)

More troubleshooting to come once replacement box upon receipt.
1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 2
I received my replacement box 2 days after my initial call. (Typically overnight if service call is processed before 4PM)
After 5 hours of testing, so far all is working fine.

1) DVR recording, watching another channel : passed
2) same as 1 except changed channels from SD to HD : passed
3) after 1 hour of recording, watched recording : passed
4) on demand : passed

Still testing; however, no reboots and no green screen of death.

Next testing will include scheduling of programs from ipad app and computer.

View solution in original post

3 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

I'm new to FiOS TV, but your symptoms sound like a failed/failing hard drive. I had very similar symptoms with my DirecTV DVR. 

Enthusiast - Level 2
I received my replacement box 2 days after my initial call. (Typically overnight if service call is processed before 4PM)
After 5 hours of testing, so far all is working fine.

1) DVR recording, watching another channel : passed
2) same as 1 except changed channels from SD to HD : passed
3) after 1 hour of recording, watched recording : passed
4) on demand : passed

Still testing; however, no reboots and no green screen of death.

Next testing will include scheduling of programs from ipad app and computer.
Enthusiast - Level 2
Just a quick update, all my devices are syncing properly with Verizon FIOS after a bit of troubleshooting.
Due to the DVR box swap my multiple iPhone and iPad devices did not recognize the replacement box.

I was unable to pair the STB with any device.
Per my discussion with Verizon support I deleted all instances of FIOS related apps on each device. Rebooted each device and reinstalled all applicable Verizon programs (about a total of 5, one recommend iPhone only app FIOS remote is necessary).

After I signed into each app and performed the necessary device enrollment, my FIOS experience is now running smoothly and for 50 dollars less than cable each month, starting off on the wrong foot wasn't such a bad gig after all.