The Weather Channel
Enthusiast - Level 2

I hate come customers did not have a choice or a vote to keep The Weather Channel???? AccuWeather stinks, there are no REAL stories nor do the show any weather people out in the field......this is the worst, I watch the weather channel everyday. I might just think about changing my service to someone who has The Weather Channel!!! I hate this.....ugh !

1,977 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

@CRobGauth wrote:

You can get the same thing that was on 49 to launch widget by hitting the widget button, scrolling to weather widget and hitting ok.

Channel 49 is no longer on the lineup, CRobGauth. There is no launch point for that widget anymore, and WeatherBug is hardly an adequate replacement.

Community Leader
Community Leader

I know Ch 49 is no longer there.

Are you refering to the content (not widget ) that was on CH49 when we had TWC?

If so, then it went away the same day that TWCD was replaced.

But it was not a wdiget, but a reuglar channel.

If you are refering to the widget that launched after Accuweather came on board, then it was weatherbug.

Enthusiast - Level 3

@CRobGauth wrote:

I know Ch 49 is no longer there.

Are you refering to the content (not widget ) that was on CH49 when we had TWC?

If so, then it went away the same day that TWCD was replaced.

But it was not a wdiget, but a reuglar channel.

If you are refering to the widget that launched after Accuweather came on board, then it was weatherbug.

I don't think you completely understand what I'm saying... Channel 49 is gone completely now. From the lineup. Like it never existed. It was "widget limbo" at first, but now it's completely gone.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Major storm about to hit the east coast.  Turn on accuweather, see the forecast for Flower Mound, TX.     Not what I need.  I really miss TWC.  

@popo7994 wrote:

I hate come customers did not have a choice or a vote to keep The Weather Channel???? AccuWeather stinks, there are no REAL stories nor do the show any weather people out in the field......this is the worst, I watch the weather channel everyday. I might just think about changing my service to someone who has The Weather Channel!!! I hate this.....ugh !


Ditto!  This storm may be one of the top 5 storms of the century, and Accuweather is talking about the moon, stars, and college basketball!  Are you kidding me?!  And Verizon thinks this is better than The Weather Channel???!!  Again, are you kidding me?!?!   Accuweather is like a high school production.  Full of amateurs and wannabes.  BRING BACK THE WEATHER CHANNEL.  We want to have real news, not amateur hour.

Oh, and to add insult to injury, Accuweather refers to the east storm coast as "blizzard like."  HOW ABOUT CALLING IT A BLIZZARD?!    But, excuse me, I'm making the mistake of thinking that Accuweather actually is based on facts.

WE WANT THE WEATHER CHANNEL back!  I'm going to change to Comcast.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Reason they say blizzard like is that the technical definition of a blizzard has nothing to do with amount of snow.

It is snow with winds of at least 35MPH and 1/4 mile visibility.

So some areas may see if others may see it only for short periods of time or not at all.

Specialist - Level 3

@db1960 wrote:

Major storm about to hit the east coast.  Turn on accuweather, see the forecast for Flower Mound, TX.     Not what I need.  I really miss TWC.  

@popo7994 wrote:

I hate come customers did not have a choice or a vote to keep The Weather Channel???? AccuWeather stinks, there are no REAL stories nor do the show any weather people out in the field......this is the worst, I watch the weather channel everyday. I might just think about changing my service to someone who has The Weather Channel!!! I hate this.....ugh !

You want storm coverage simply turn on your tv. Every single news outlet is covering it. 


I will be cancelling fios tv , They are cancelling all the channels I watch, Huge storm coming and I cant even keep up on what's happening ,accuweather sucks, now both outdoor and sportsman channel gone and rfdtv , bunch of junk channels that play the same **bleep** shows over and over every freaking night, and yet they keep the yankees network ,wealth tv,,  etc verizon sucks,  Im not paying for this junk programming any longer ,switching back to xfinity  

Enthusiast - Level 2

I was open to trying Accuweather but it's a low-budget joke.  TWC is a far superior channel and now that a big storm is coming it really shows!  Someone can't negotiate at Verizon.

Community Leader
Community Leader

You need some bargaining position to negotiate better.

Verizon has only 5M TV customers.

Compared to the 22M+ that Comcast has.

Keep in mind that Verizon was not the first to drop TWC.

DirecTv was the first major to do it.
Difference is that they had 20M+ subscribers. That put a dent in TWC pocketbook.

Everyone has their choices.

I rarely watched TWC, so I don't miss it.

I am between Baltimore and Washington DC so I get more weather than I want (they will be on full tiime until storm is over and cleanup is well underway).

I understand that everyone does not have that option.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Are you kidding me... I purposly seeked out and have stayed with this service provider for the Weather Channel.  Seriously, I am leaving this service, if we cannot keep the weather channel.  Just renew the contract.  

You cant tell me that with over a $200 bill per month, on aver. per subscirber, Verizon cant affort this.  

Please make sure you do the right thing and ensure The Weather Channel stays on..

Thank you 

Enthusiast - Level 3
Agree, we pay so much for this service and their line of "you can get weather off our app" is a crock of crap. So do we need 5 24/7 news channels? 3 financial channels, dozens of sports channels? IMO they violated the service agreement.
Enthusiast - Level 1

Absolutely! The Weather Channel is my answer to other peoples "news channels." What would happen if Fios discontinued CNN or HLN because there are plenty of other online new sources?

Enthusiast - Level 3
Exactly, get the Weather Channel back on ASAP. Drop the Al Jazeera news channel if channels need to be dropped to save a few bucks. CNN, CNN International, MSNBC, Fios1, local news, America News and others cover the news. There is only one Weather Channel that works... BTW: I believe Accuweather does not have the right to the EURO Forecast model for those interested..
Enthusiast - Level 1

Accuweather for weather is like getting my news from a Cable Access channel. What is the deal with all the feedback, static and the freezing images? Amateur hour 


Please put the Weather Channel back on ASAP or I will change to XFINITY and I will even pay to break the contract


stop playing with our beloved weather channel. what are you fighting with crumcast cause they own it.. I'm tired of cable companies holding us hostage while jacking up our rates..  I guess I will be going back to comcast afterall. Next will be wireless... I thought you guys were better than the rest .. guess you suck too

Enthusiast - Level 3
Bring it back already... Drop other channels.
Enthusiast - Level 1

AccuWeather is useless--so far it's shown the hourly forecast for every city and region in the country except ours! I don't see an option for setting it to our zip code like you can do on Dish TV. Plus the volume's not working. We can't hear a thing the forecaster's saying.  

We usually watch WeatherScan at least twice a day. Not everyone has a cell phone with app technology, so that's not an option for all of us. Please bring back WeatherScan or something that shows the LOCAL weather forecast and radar. We pay a lot of money for FIOS TV and are NOT happy about this change. I hope you're listening, Verizon!

Enthusiast - Level 1

This is outrageous! After years of watching the most trusted weather people on the planet we are now forced into second rate coverage! Our family had counted on channel 49 and 119 for accurate weather information and you have taken it away. Just one more reason to not like Verizon. What do you plan to do next – raise the world’s highest rates again?  Thanks for considering your customers - Verizon!

Enthusiast - Level 2

I would like to have a "live radar" with a brief weather summary like WeatherScan had or an equivalent so I can view storms, especially in the Summer when they pop up.  This is a safety issue and I use it constantly since I do not have a smart phone.  I didn't watch the official TWC so I won't be impacted there but I need a live radar so please consider adding this.  The AccuWeather you have installed does not have any local radar and has commercials, and I mean alot.  Thanks.
